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2011-04-20大願地藏菩薩的修持法門之簡介《大乘大集地藏十輪經:第二、十輪品》第一、二部份,以可下載!Concise Introduction on the Practices of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with Great Vows“The Mahayana Composed Sutra on the Ten Wheels of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Second Chapter: Ten Wheels Chapter”Part I,II3377
2011-01-10臨終三大要,已可下載! (“Three Major Points in the Dying”, download now!)4836
2010-10-27坐禪三昧經,已可下載! (“Contemplation of the Seating-Meditation Sutra”, download now!)4266
2010-10-12「淨佛國土」的系列講座(一)《西方合論》,課程已可下載了!(The first series of teachings and lessons on the ‘The combined commentary on the western pureland of Buddha amitabha’ are now available for online download!)3709
2010-08-10《印光大師文鈔》選讀---離苦得樂之妙法(Selected Readings – The Marvellous/ Wondrous Teachings in Freeing oneself from suffering & attaining ultimate, supreme bliss)5120
2010-07-24三昧的六根懺悔(The practice of Samadhi meditation to confess the misdeeds committed through our 6 senses)3857
2010-06-14《妙法蓮華經》講座:第二十八章「普賢菩薩勸發品」<佛教教義、朝聖與藝術的結合>【Lecture of the Lotus Sutra】:The 28th Chapter: Encouragement of the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy <The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine, Pilgrimage and Art>5023
2010-03-28顯密圓通的大悲觀世音菩薩:《大乘莊嚴寶王經》(第一部份),已可以下載!The Great Compassionate Bodhisattva (Kuan-Yin;Avalokitesvara) on the Combination of Mahayana and Vajrayana systems-“The Mahayana Sutra on the King of the Auspicious Treasure” (Part One),Download now !4071
2010-03-08「普賢行願品」偈頌MP3及108遍「往生咒」MP3下載!Available for Download (in MP3 format):1.Verses from Samanthabhadra’s Noble Aspirations 2.Mantra for gaining rebirth in the Pureland (108 times)11322
2010-01-21禪觀的主要橋樑:九住心 (The Major Bridge of Meditation: Nine Stages of Mindfulness)4888
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