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  • 標題:禪觀的主要橋樑:九住心 (The Major Bridge of Meditation: Nine Stages of Mindfulness)
  • 公告日期:2010-01-21
  • 橋

    Ven. Shihhong teacher gives teaching of The Major Bridge of Meditation: Nine Stages of Mindfulness in Singapore Buddhist Federation on June, 2006.

    Nine Stages of Mindfulnessis the common path for meditation practice in Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, and it is also the foundation for Shamatha. Whether mantra chanting, recitation of Buddha’s name or meditation practice, if one looks to achieve natural, pure and continuous thoughts, he must understand these nine stages.

    一、當下的利益(the present benefit)佛法殊勝的利益,不僅是強調來生(future life),能夠往生淨佛國土(Pure Land);事實上,佛法更加重視現前(present)身、口、意的轉變(transformation )與淨化(purification)。因為從世俗諦(the conventional truth)的角度而言,心念(mindfulness)如流動的河水(flowing river)一般,過去、現在、未來是連續不斷的。
    二、道次地的重要性(the significance of the stages of enlightenment)念佛的意義是「無量覺(countless enlightenment)」;換言之,對於覺悟的過程,應該清清楚楚的,才叫真正的無量覺。所以,精進地學習聞、思、修三慧,而明瞭修行的道次第,是非常重要的。
    ○三慧(three types of wisdom):
    聞:1)Listening the Buddhist doctrine from the dharma teacher,
    思:2) Thinking the meaning of dharma by yourself ,
    修:3) Training your cultivation through meditation and insight.
    三、殊途同歸的道次地(the same purpose of the stages of enlightenment by different approaches)雖然佛陀開示了無量法門,但是,只有一個相同的目標:「究竟成佛」。猶如百川,最後還是匯歸於大海的。例如:(1.)中國、華嚴宗提出:信(believe; faith)、解(understanding)、行(action; engagement)、証(reaching into the stage of enlightenment)(2.)西藏、密宗提出:見(view)、修(correction; transformation)、行(action; engagement)、果(result)。
    四、所緣境與果報是相互影響的(the interdependent influence between the perceived objects of visualization (alambana) and the final results)
    1.) 南傳(Theravada Buddhism):四念處:身、受、心、法。
    2.) 北傳(Mahayana Buddhism):諸佛菩薩的名號、咒語,大乘經典,淨佛國土等等。
    3.) 藏傳(Vajrayana Buddhism):三寶:佛、法、僧。三根本:上師、本尊、護法,壇城等等。
    五、此次演講的重心(the major focus of this lecture)各種禪觀的共通過程(the common process):九住心(the Nine-Stages of Mindfulness)
    六、此次演講的微薄奉獻(the slight contribution of this lecture)經文對照表,與大手印的禪修:【密勒日巴尊者的證道歌:三釘歌】(The Song of the View, Practice, and Action: three key points)
    「心中有雅量,心念才會具有無有窮盡的力量」(Your mind can show more flexible space, and then your internal mindfulness will indeed manifest the endless power forever.
    教材下載 (Course material download)http://www.sbaweb.org/courses2/course_material.php?Course_Sn=22
    影音下載 (Video download)http://www.sbaweb.org/courses2/course_video.php?Course_Sn=22

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    • 最後修改時間:2010-03-10 AM 11:56

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