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  • 標題:大願地藏菩薩的修持法門之簡介《大乘大集地藏十輪經:第二、十輪品》第一、二部份,以可下載!Concise Introduction on the Practices of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with Great Vows“The Mahayana Composed Sutra on the Ten Wheels of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Second Chapter: Ten Wheels Chapter”Part I,II
  • 公告日期:2011-04-20
  • 弘一大師畫的地藏菩薩聖像

    Venerable Shin Hong gave dharma lectures on Ksitigarbha teachings at Kuang Chee Tng Buddhist Association, Singapore, in April and October 2010.

    1.      地藏菩薩甚深禪定中,顯現出二十七種功德。
    2.      修持地藏法門的功德
    3.      護持正法,三種佛的佛行事業。
    4.      修持佛法,從「十善業」著手。
    The contents for Part 1 of the public lectures which were delivered in April2010:
    1.      Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s manifestation of twenty-seven merits while in deep meditation. 
    2.      The merits of practicing Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva teachings methods.
    3.      To uphold and support the right Dharma, three types of Buddhist activities relating to Dharma propagation.
    4.      To practice Buddha’s teachings, we need to begin from ‘Ten Wholesome Ways of Actions’.
    教材下載Online download of teaching materials: http://www.sbaweb.org/courses2/course_material.php?Course_Sn=72
    1.      介紹生命輪迴的真相:十二因緣
    2.      從輪迴中,得到解脫的方法:數息觀、六妙門
    3.      延命地藏菩薩:保持長壽的方法
    4.      其他相關的圖像演變,與參考資料。
    The contents for Part 2 of the public lectures which were delivered in October 2010:
    1.      Introducing the truths about cyclical rebirths in the six realms: Twelve Interdependent Causes & Conditions (Twelve links in the chain of Existence)
    2.      The methods in gaining liberation from samsara: Meditation - Counting the Breath; The Six Wonderous Meditation Methods from the Tiantai Tradition  
    3.      Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who Prolongs Life: Methods in Maintaining a Long life.
    4.      Other related pictorial references which had undergone changes over time & other learning reference materials.
    教材下載Online download of teaching materials: http://www.sbaweb.org/courses2/course_material.php?Course_Sn=73

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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2011-04-28 PM 4:31

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