

最新公告 News


  • 標題:臨終三大要,已可下載! (“Three Major Points in the Dying”, download now!)
  • 公告日期:2011-01-10
  • 中國、敦煌、世界極樂圖

    In 2008, Venerable Shin Hong Shi delivered a series of lectures on “The three essential components in dealing with the dying during the stage of death” at Chang Gung Buddhist Society in Lin Kou (Taiwan).
    The original text was written by Master Yin Kuang.
    The three essential components are:
    1. Using expedient means to counsel and comfort the dying person in order to assist him / her in generating the right faith.
    2. Everyone takes turns to recite the name of the Buddha in order to assist the dying to maintain their mindfulness.
    3. To remind relatives and friends not to cry or move the body unnecessarily in order to prevent them from hindering the “dying process” of their loved one.
           The course had also included the teaching of the know-hows in recitation,   
        sounding the hand-held chime bell so as to aid the dying person in focusing his
        mind on the recitation throughout the process of dying.

    • 附件檔案:
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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2011-01-29 PM 10:17

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