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  • 標題:《印光大師文鈔》選讀---離苦得樂之妙法(Selected Readings – The Marvellous/ Wondrous Teachings in Freeing oneself from suffering & attaining ultimate, supreme bliss)
  • 公告日期:2010-08-10
  • 印光大師法照

    In May 1992, Ven. Shin Hong Shi delivered a series of Dharma talks at the Chang Gen Buddhist Society in Taiwan, Lin Kou. The teachings made use of the <Letters by Master Yin Guang> in which Ven Shin Hong Shi gave a detailed explanation that focused on establishing a firm foundation, belief and understanding in [Abstaining from non-virtuous misdeeds, engaging in numerous virtuous deeds, the natural law of cause and effect, the six realms of cyclical existence]. Progressively, one will truly renounce the worldly attachments and generate genuine Bodhicitta to liberate oneself from the samsaric waves of birth and death; establish an unshaken belief and aspire to be reborn in the Pureland through the recitation of the Buddha’s name. The teachings aim to provide one with the path of practice that merges one’s understanding of Buddhist teachings with one’s real actions; eventually attain the unsurpassed and perfect Bodhicitta within the present lifetime.

    (九)對治習氣: 1.《選讀》,240頁,「示淨土法門及對治瞋恚等義」。2.《精華錄》,76頁,「丙、明對治習氣」。
    (十一)對治習氣: 1.《精華錄》,49頁,「甲、乙、丙、丁、戊」。
    (十二)普通疑惑: 1.《精華錄》,190頁,「八、釋普通疑惑」。
    >Online download of teachings / 課程下載:: http://www.sbaweb.org/courses2/course_video.php?Course_Sn=17
    >Online download of course materials, learning & explanatory notes / 課程講義:

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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2010-08-24 PM 8:14

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