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2015-11-20《佛說八大人覺經》 The Sutra on the Eight Realizations of the Great Beings 已上傳 YouTube!!2283
2015-10-202015年度《坐禪三昧經》課程,已可下載! ( The course of “Contemplation of the Seating-Meditation Sutra” in 2015 is available to download!)2176
2015-07-10「淨佛國土」的系列講座 (一)《西方合論》,2015年度課程影音檔已上網,可下載! The new media files of the lecture on the ‘The combined commentary on the western pureland of Buddha Amitabha’ in 2015 are update and now available to download!2109
2015-06-06善財童子五十三參(第二部份):追求三聖圓融之旅 Bodhisattva Auspicious Treasure is in the Action of Searching Approaches for the Complete Enlightenment through Visiting to 53 Professional Spiritual Teachers (Part Two):The Journey of Seeking for the Combination of Three Figures2012
2015-02-25【華嚴經、入法界品講座】:善財童子五十三參(第一部份):追求出世智慧之旅 Bodhisattva Auspicious Treasure is in the Action of Searching Approach for the Complete Enlightenment through Visiting to 53 Professional Spiritual Teachers (Part One):The Journey of Seeking for the Ultimate Wisdom2027
2015-01-022014年度《坐禪三昧經》課程,已可下載! ( The course of “Contemplation of the Seating-Meditation Sutra” in 2014 is available to download!)2029
2014-11-22「淨佛國土」的系列講座 (一)《西方合論》,2014年度課程影音檔已上網,可下載! The new media files of the lecture on the ‘The combined commentary on the western pureland of Buddha Amitabha’ in 2014 are update and now available to download!1964
2014-07-15顯密圓通的大悲觀世音菩薩:《大乘莊嚴寶王經》(第七部分),已可下載! The Great Compassionate Bodhisattva (Kuan-Yin) on the Combination of Mahayana and Vajrayana systems-“The Mahayana Sutra on the King of the Auspicious Treasure” (Part VII) is available to download now!2402
2014-03-022012年心宏法師德國弘法課程已可上網下載 The Dharma Lectures in Germany by Ven. Shinhong in 2012 are now available to download.2248
2013-07-22「淨佛國土」的系列講座 (一)《西方合論》,2013年度課程影音檔已上網,可下載! The new media files of the lecture on the ‘The combined commentary on the western pureland of Buddha Amitabha’ in 2013 are update and now available to download!2825
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