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2017-02-03菩薩道中、甚深見與廣大行的結合:龍樹菩薩的《菩提資糧論》內容已上傳 YouTube!The Combination of Profound View and the Vast Action through the Bodhisattva Path : Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s Commentary on “The Increasing Merits of the Enlightened Practices.” is on YouTube!709
2016-11-06善財童子五十三參(第四部份):生起大悲願心之旅 Bodhisattva Auspicious Treasure is in the Action of Searching Approaches for the Complete Enlightenment through Visiting to 53 Professional Spiritual Teachers (Part 4) The Journey of Generating the Universal Compassion within the G691
2016-10-30心宏法師2016年7月,於香港講授《佛子行、三十七頌》課程,MP3 已可下載! The MP3 of the course, 《The Thirty-Seven Practices of All Buddha’ Sons》given by Master Shinhong in HongKong in July of 2016, is available to download!656
2016-09-20成佛的藍圖與道次第:天親菩薩的《發菩提心經論》<佛教歷史、教義與藝術的結合> 課程,mp3 已可下載! The MP3 of the course, the Blueprint of Achievement on the Buddhahood and Its Systematical Path:Bodhisattva Vasubandhu’s《The Mahayana Sutra of Generating the Bodhicitta and its Commentary》<The Combinatio921
2016-08-242016年度《坐禪三昧經》課程,已可下載!The course of “Contemplation of the Seating-Meditation Sutra” in 2016 is available to download!796
2016-07-26阿彌陀佛、四十八大願的簡介:般若、淨土、與願心的結合, 內容已上傳 YouTube!The brief introduction on the great forty-eight vows of the buddha amitabha:The combination of prajna-paramita, pureland and great vows. It is on YouTube!864
2016-07-02顯密圓通的大悲觀世音菩薩:《大乘莊嚴寶王經》已上傳 YouTube! The Great Compassionate Bodhisattva (Kuan-Yin) on the Combination of Mahayana and Vajrayana systems-“The Mahayana Sutra on the King of the Auspicious Treasure” is on YouTube!786
2016-04-02「華嚴、三聖圓融觀」已上網可下載 The dharma lecture on << Auspicious Combined Visualization by the Images of the Hwa-Yen’s Three Figures >> is now available to download!1059
2016-02-05善財童子五十三參(第三部份):追求淨佛國土之旅 Bodhisattva Auspicious Treasure is in the Action of Searching Approaches for the Complete Enlightenment through Visiting to 53 Professional Spiritual Teachers (Part 3):The Journey of Seeking for the Manifested Pure Land by Buddhas'1370
2016-01-01《佛子行、三十七頌》已上傳 YouTube!《The Thirty-Seven Practices of All Buddha’ Sons》is on YouTube!2358
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