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2009-11-28學佛的第一門必修課-岡波巴大師《大乘菩提道次第論》(The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: The Wish-fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings) by the great master Gampopa is an important Buddhism book for beginners.4778
2009-10-22「淨佛國土」的系列講座:阿彌陀佛、四十八大願的簡介:般若、淨土、與願心的結合,內容已可下載! (Brief introduction on the great forty-eight vows of the buddha amitabha:The combination of prajna-paramita, pureland and great vows. Download now !) 4499
2009-08-10《妙法蓮華經》講座:第二章「方便品」<佛教教義與朝聖的結合>,已可下載!【Lecture of the Lotus Sutra】:The Second Chapter: Expedient Means <The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine and Pilgrimage> is currently available for download!4430
2009-07-28心宏師父唱頌的佛曲,CD皆轉檔,可上網下載!(Buddhist songs chanted by Ven. Shinhong Shih already available for download!)4292
2009-06-20【釋迦牟尼佛初轉法輪的聖地】:鹿野苑(Sarnath, Deer Park)及聖城:瓦拉那西(Varanasi)短片介紹(Short Video )4857
2009-05-22《大方廣佛華嚴經、入不思議解脫境界普賢行願品》,已可下載!《Discourse on Samantabhadra’s Beneficence Aspirations of the Avatamsaka Sutra》is currently available for download!4730
2008-11-01【大方廣佛華嚴經、淨行品】【The Eleventh Chapter “Practice of Purification” of the Avatamsaka Sutra】3822
2008-10-08【龍樹菩薩的《菩提資糧論》(一)】【Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s Commentary on “The Increasing Merits of the Enlightened Practices.”(1.)】6386
2008-07-23《佛子行、三十七頌》,已可下載!《The Thirty-Seven Practices of All Buddha’ Sons》is currently available for download.5255
2008-07-23【釋迦牟尼佛誕生的聖地:藍毗尼園】【The Holy Birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni : Lumbini Garden】 :4871
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