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2013-07-08顯密圓通的大悲觀世音菩薩:《大乘莊嚴寶王經》(第六部分),已可下載! The Great Compassionate Bodhisattva (Kuan-Yin) on the Combination of Mahayana and Vajrayana systems-“The Mahayana Sutra on the King of the Auspicious Treasure” (Part VI) is available to download now!2518
2013-03-28《妙法蓮華經》講座:【第二部份】第十四章「安樂行品」<佛教教義、朝聖、與建築的結合>已可上網下載【Lecture of the Lotus Sutra: (Part Two)】The Fourteenth Chapter:Peaceful Practices <The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine, Pilgrimage and Architecture> is available to download now3529
2012-11-30台灣、圓光佛學院 2012《華嚴經》講座 : 普賢菩薩十大願 <佛教教義、朝聖與藝術結合> 第一部份 已可上網下載 【Lecture of the Avatamsaka Sutra at Yuan Kuang Buddhist College in 2012】The Samantabhadra's Ten Vows Part I is downloadable now2397
2012-11-08《法句經》2012 年度最新課程影音檔已上網,可下載 ! The new media files of the lecture on “Dhammapada” in 2012 are update and now available to download!2626
2012-10-22「淨佛國土」的系列講座 (一)《西方合論》,2012年度課程影音檔已上網,可下載! The new media files of the lecture on the ‘The combined commentary on the western pureland of Buddha Amitabha’ in 2012 are update and now available to download!2653
2012-10-10《坐禪三昧經》2012 年度最新課程影音檔上網,已可下載! The new media files of the lecture on “Contemplation of the Seating-Meditation Sutra” in 2012 are update and now available to download!2726
2012-09-172011《華嚴經》講座:《普賢行願品》普賢菩薩十大願 (第一、二部份) <佛教教義、朝聖與藝術的結合>已可下載【Lecture of the Avatamsaka Sutra】: “The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”:Introduction on the “Great Ten Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra” (Part I and II) is downloadable!2812
2012-07-13台灣、圓光佛學院 2012《華嚴經》講座 : 普賢菩薩十大願 <佛教教義、朝聖與藝術結合> 第一部份 已上網 【Lecture of the Avatamsaka Sutra at Yuan Kuang Buddhist College in 2012】The Samantabhadra's Ten Vows Part I lecture video is available now3582
2012-06-03<道次第講座>:【岡波巴四法】-- 南傳、北傳、藏傳,三乘教法的修持之簡介 <The Gradual Stages of Enlightened Path>: “Four Dharmas of Gampopa” The Concise Introduction on the Practices of the Three Traditions as Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism is available to download2864
2012-05-28《妙法蓮華經》講座 (第一部份):第十六章「如來壽量品」:<佛教教義與朝聖的結合>,已可下載【Lecture of the Lotus Sutra: (Part One)】:The Sixteenth Chapter: The Life Span of the Tathagata <The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine and Pilgrimage> is available to download2658
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