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2013-12-142013 阿彌陀佛法會 – 恭誦《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》( The Ceremony of The Buddha Amitadha in 2013 – The Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra Recitation )2323
2013-09-16心宏法師2013年10~11月,將在新加坡,與馬來西亞弘法細節公告(Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach various dharma-talks in October and November of 2013 in Malaysia and Singapore)2880
2013-08-082013 報恩法會 ── 諷誦《金光明最勝王經》The Ceremony of repaying Buddha's Kindness in 2013 ── The Recitation of《Sutra of Golden Light》2008
2013-06-252013 地藏法會 – 整個七月,諷誦《地藏菩薩本願經》: The Ceremony of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha – The Recitation of 《Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows Sutra 》for one month in July, 20132873
2013-05-082013 浴佛法會 ─ 恭誦《妙法蓮華經》The Ceremony of Bathing The Buddha ─《The Recitation of The Lotus Sutra》in 20132372
2013-04-06桑耶精舍,與大寂靜學會、中華佛教青年會,共同舉辦三日禪修營 (SBA, cooperates with Muchcalm Association, and Chinese Young Buddhist Association(CYBA), to hold a three-day meditation retreat.)2485
2013-03-012013年心宏師父於台灣、圓光佛學院《華嚴經》講座,暨力果講堂講座已開始上課 The Lecture of《The Avatamsaka Sutra》at Yuan Kuang Buddhist College, and《The Pure Land》at Li-Go Hall of Yuan Kuang Ch'an Monastery by Ven. Shinhong Shih in 2013 are giving3283
2013-02-22桑耶精舍 2013年普賢行願法會暨新春茶會。(The Samanthabhadra Prayer Event cum Lunar Spring Tea Session organized by Samye Buddhist Association in 2013)2203
2013-01-01桑耶精舍2013年1-6月課程表出爐了!!~(SBA's schedule from January to June, 2013)2600
2012-12-03【大願地藏菩薩的道場】:九華山的短片介紹 The short film of pilgrimage in Mount Jiuhua in China.2855
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