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2016-08-16台北、桑耶精舍住持,心宏法師 2016年德國弘法行程 Detailed Timetable of Dharma Lectures in Germany by Ven. Shinhong from Taipei, SBA in 20161142
2016-07-12心宏法師2016年7月,香港弘法細節公告 (Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach dharma-talk in July of 2016 in Hongkong)940
2016-06-212016 地藏法會 – 整個七月,諷誦《地藏菩薩本願經》暨《妙法蓮華經》The Ceremony of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha – The Recitation of 《Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's Fundamental Vows Sutra 》and 《The Lotus Sutra》for one month in July, 2016885
2016-05-022016 浴佛法會 ─ 恭誦《妙法蓮華經》The Ceremony of Bathing The Buddha ─《The Recitation of The Lotus Sutra》in 2016938
2016-03-022016年上半年心宏法師於台灣‧桃園‧力果講堂暨寶蓮寺弘法公告 (Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach various dharma-talks from Mar. to Jun. of 2016 at Le-Go Auditorium of Yuan Kuang Ch'an Monastery & Paolian Temple, Taoyuan City in Taiwan)1473
2016-02-27【更新】2016 年桑耶精舍新春茶會。The Lunar Spring Tea Ceremony organized by SBA in 2016902
2015-12-212015/2016 多羅觀世音億次祈禱跨年法會 - 跨越不安的 2015,前進喜樂的 2016,讓我們攜手祈福!2403
2015-12-142015 阿彌陀佛法會 – 恭誦《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》( The Ceremony of The Buddha Amitadha in 2015 – The Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra Recitation )1925
2015-10-10心宏法師2015年10~12月,將在新加坡弘法細節公告 (Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach various dharma-talks from Oct. to Dec. of 2015 in Singapore)2926
2015-09-10心宏法師2015年9月,將在香港弘法細節公告 (Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach various dharma-talks in September of 2015 in Hongkong)3382
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