

最新公告 News

2011-03-09心宏法師2011年3、4月,心宏法師將在新加坡,與馬來西亞、新山、弘法細節公告(Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach dharma-talks in March and April at 2011 year both in Singapore and JB, Malaysia)7936
2011-03-07止觀法門教學與共修 (Teaching and Practice on Meditaion & Insight)3654
2011-02-10桑耶精舍2011年,普賢法會與新春交流茶會,邀請。(An Invitation for you to join the Samanthabhadra Prayer Event cum Lunar Spring Interactive Tea Session organized by Samye Buddhist Association)3862
2010-11-02心宏法師2010年11月新加坡、弘法公告(Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach dharma-talk in Singapore at 2010, November year)◎【題目】:文殊菩薩十大願 <Subject>:Great Ten Vows Generated by Manjusri Bodhisattva6774
2010-10-27朝聖短片「顯密圓融的文殊道場--五台山」(Shot Video「The Manjusri Bodhisattva on the Combination of Mahayana and Vajrayana systems」-The Wutai Mountains in China)4180
2010-10-11【大行普賢菩薩的道場】:峨嵋山的短片介紹(E-Mei Holy Mountain is traditionally regarded as one of the Fourth Sacred Buddhist Pilgrimage Places in China, which is also well-known as the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra's manifested Shrine)5100
2010-08-21心宏法師2010年9、10月新加坡、弘法公告(Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach dharma-talks both in September and October in Singapore at 2010 year)5416
2010-04-29心宏法師2010年4月新加坡、5月馬來西亞、弘法公告(Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach dharma-talks both in April in Singapore and in May in Malaysia at 2010 year)5732
2010-04-03心宏法師2010年4月新加坡、弘法公告(Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach dharma-talks in April in Singapore at 2010 year)4645
2010-02-13桑耶精舍2010年佛教共修法會、與新春交流茶(Buddhist Ceremony of the Common Practice and the Spring Tea Time for the Communication at the SBA Centre in 2010 year)3967
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