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  • 標題:朝聖短片「顯密圓融的文殊道場--五台山」(Shot Video「The Manjusri Bodhisattva on the Combination of Mahayana and Vajrayana systems」-The Wutai Mountains in China)
  • 公告日期:2010-10-27
  • 中國山西省.五台山.清涼勝地

    桑耶精舍師生一行人, 2004年七月間,來到中國,朝禮四大佛教名山之首—五臺山。五臺山是文殊菩薩的道場,位於中國大陸山西省五台縣東北角隅,屬恒山山脈,以台懷鎮為中心,周圍有五座山峰,如同五根擎天大柱,拔地崛起, 巍然矗立,峰頂平坦如台,故名五台。 
    In July 2004, Venerable Shin Hong Shi and his students of Samye Buddhist Association embarked on a pilgrimage trip to the Wutai Mountains in China. Amongst the four major, mountainous areas that are reputably regarded as Sacred Buddhist sites, Wutai Mountains is considered to be the foremost. It sits on the Shanxi Province, Northeastern corner of Wu Tai county and belongs to a part of the Heng Shan mountain range. Five mountain peaks stand majestically and surround the Tai Huai town. These towering peaks resemble the five great pillars which rise from the grounds of the Qing Heaven. The peaks are flat as platforms, which explains why they are known as the ‘Five Platforms’.
    The five platforms are also known by another name the ‘Cooling Mountain’ since the weather conditions in this mountainous area are mostly wintry, cooling where the summer season never arrives. This is the only Buddhist place in China where the Mahayana and Vajrayana systems of learning and teaching Dharma co-exist. Three other sacred Buddhist mountainous sites, namely the Pu Tuo mountains in Zhe Jiang province, the Er Mei mountains in Sichuan province, the Jiu Hua mountains in An Hui province and together with the Wu Tai mountains are collectively known as the four famous mountains in Chinese Buddhism. 3 main topics are shared in this short film:
    (1) the monastries that are located on the summit of the five platforms
    (2) the monastries that are located within the five platforms
    (3) Paying a respectful visit to accomplished Elder Master Meng Can.
    May we now invite everyone to join us and enter the holy site of the Cooling mountains and take a pilgrimage tour around the Five Platforms!

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