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  • 標題:【大行普賢菩薩的道場】:峨嵋山的短片介紹(E-Mei Holy Mountain is traditionally regarded as one of the Fourth Sacred Buddhist Pilgrimage Places in China, which is also well-known as the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra's manifested Shrine)
  • 公告日期:2010-10-11
  • 峨嵋山、金頂,十方普賢菩薩

    由心宏法師、帶領桑耶精舍(SBA )蓮友,於2004、2005年,同往中國、峨嵋山朝聖.
    In 2004 and 2005 years, Ven. Shinhong led SBA members and students from Taipei for doing a very sincere and devotional Buddhist pilgrimage to the Holy E-Mei Mountain in China. There are three major parts of contents in the short pilgrimage movie as below:
    主要內容介紹 (Major Contents)
    (一)樂山大佛 (Leshan Giant Buddha as Future Maitreya Buddha )
    (二)峨嵋山寺群  (Various Temples surrounding in the E-Mei Mountain)
    (三)寶頂山-大足石刻 (Dazu rock carving on Mount Baoding)


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