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2017-08-212017 報恩法會 ── 諷誦《妙法蓮華經》The Ceremony of repaying Buddha's Kindness in 2017 ─ The Recitation of《The Lotus Sutra》707
2017-07-19心宏法師 2017年8、9月,香港弘法細節公告 (Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach dharma-talk in Aug. and Sep., 2017 in Hongkong)725
2017-06-142017 七月地藏法會,十六天諷誦《妙法蓮華經》The Ceremony of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha on chanting 《The Lotus Sutra》for 16 days in July, 2017700
2017-05-272017年6月心宏法師於台灣‧桃園學佛行苑:善終-最後一哩路 弘法公告763
2017-04-172017 浴佛法會 ─ 恭誦《妙法蓮華經》The Ceremony of Bathing The Buddha ─《The Recitation of The Lotus Sutra》in 2017599
2017-02-242017年普賢行願法會 The Samantabhadra Prayer Event organized by SBA in 2017583
2017-02-202017年上半年心宏法師於台灣‧桃園‧力果講堂弘法公告 Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach various dharma-talk from Mar. to Jun. in 2017 at Le-Go Auditorium of Yuan Kuang Ch'an Monastery, Taoyuan City, Taiwan792
2017-01-062017 第十世貢噶佛爺長壽法會 Long Life Puja for His Eminence 10th Bo Gangkar Rinpoche in 2017664
2016-10-10心宏法師2016年11月,將在新加坡弘法細節公告 (Ven. Shinhong Shih will preach various dharma-talks in Nov. of 2016 in Singapore)814
2016-08-192016 報恩法會 ── 諷誦《妙法蓮華經》The Ceremony of repaying Buddha's Kindness in 2016 ── The Recitation of《The Lotus Sutra》787
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