

教學課程 Courses

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MA01智者大師 - 小止觀的「二十五種前方便」台北 桑耶精舍心宏法師2005  下載教材下載影音檔圓滿
MA02心與夢的解析(Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying) Chapter 2&4台北 桑耶精舍心宏法師2005  下載教材下載影音檔圓滿
MA03 坐禪三昧經( Contemplation of the Seating-Meditation Sutra)台北、桑耶精舍心宏法師2007  下載教材下載影音檔已圓滿
YNS01 三昧的六根懺悔台北.佛陀教育基金會心宏法師2002  未提供下載影音檔圓滿
YNS02 南傳、北傳禪觀的心要:鳩摩羅什法師譯《思維略要法》 (The Central Essence of Theravada and Mahayana Meditation & Insight)新加坡Apollo Centre心宏法師2004  下載教材下載影音檔圓滿
YNS03 禪觀的主要橋樑:九住心(The Major Bridge of Meditation:Nine Stages of Mindfulness)新加坡佛教總會心宏法師2006  下載教材下載影音檔圓滿
YNS04 大小乘禪修的關鍵:「五停心觀」之概說(Major Points of Practices on the Meditation between Theravada and Mahayana Systems-Concise Introduction on the 馬來西亞、新山、寶蓮寺(Bao lian Temple , Malaysia)心宏法師2011  下載教材下載影音檔圓滿
YNS04-1 《觀普賢菩薩行法經》的禪觀與實踐 [第一部分] The Engagement of Confession Practice within Six Organs, Meditation of the Confession and Its Practice, as based on 台灣、桃園平鎮、圓光力果講堂心宏法師2017  下載教材下載影音檔圓滿
YNS04-2 《觀普賢菩薩行法經》的禪觀與實踐 [第二部分] The Engagement of Confession Practice within Six Organs, Meditation of the Confession and Its Practice, as based on 台灣、桃園平鎮、圓光力果講堂心宏法師2018  下載教材下載影音檔圓滿
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