

六度萬行 Activities


影像集錦 Albums / 心宏法師法語 : SBA 2014 月曆 / 2014年6月

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位於毗舍離城的阿育王石柱,也是目前在印度內、眾多的阿育王石柱當中,保留最完整的一個。石柱上刻有阿育王、以佛法教化人民的文字。西元六世紀時,中國的玄奘大師 ( Master Xuan-Zang) 造訪此地時,還曾經親見到此石柱。
This 'Pillar of Ashoka' situated in Vaishali, is the only one among the many 'Pillars of Ashoka' that still remains in a good condition currently in India. Carved on the pillar are Ashoka’s advice for his people, using the Dharma to teach them. When Master Xuan Zang from China, visited this place during the 6th Century, he had also seen this pillar.

2013-12-19 PM 12:26 sba


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