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2024-03-28慧光普照遍法界 2023年 桃园平镇、圆光力果讲堂 以《大宝积经、文殊师利普门会+授记会》+不空三藏的译本为主 [第一部分+第二部分]113
2021-06-18新增2020课程上網 大悲愿力的地藏法门(第二部分)588
2019-07-29新增2019课程上網 大悲愿力的地藏法门 與 天亲菩萨的《往生論注》2079
2019-01-08《華严经》讲座:第四十卷《普贤行愿品》普贤菩萨十大愿 <佛教教义、朝圣與艺术的结合> 已上载 YouTube!【Lecture of the Avatamsaka Sutra】: The 40th Chapter :“The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”: Introduction on the“Great Ten Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”<The Combination of1275
2018-09-30六根懺悔法门的实践-观普贤菩萨行法经的禅观與实践 [第二部分] 课程录音档已上網,可下载! The Engagement of Confession Practice within Six Organs, Meditation of the Confession and Its Practice, as based on 867
2018-07-08大愿地藏菩萨的修持法门之简介《大乘大集地藏十轮经:第二、十轮品》第一、二、三部份,已上载 YouTube! Concise Introduction on the Practices of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with Great Vows“The Mahayana Composed Sutra on the Ten Wheels of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Second Chapter: Ten Wheels Chapter588
2018-04-15善财童子五十三参(第五部份):观想法界念佛之旅,课程录影已可上網下载 Bodhisattva Auspicious Treasure is in the Action of Searching Approaches for the Complete Enlightenment through Visiting to 53 Professional Spiritual Teachers (Part Five) The Journey of Visualization on the Endless Unive826
2018-02-282016年心宏法师德国弘法课程已可上網下载 The Dharma Lectures in Germany by Ven. Shinhong in 2016 are now available to download867
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