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  • 標題:《華嚴經》講座:第四十卷《普賢行願品》普賢菩薩十大願 <佛教教義、朝聖與藝術的結合> 已上傳 YouTube!【Lecture of the Avatamsaka Sutra】: The 40th Chapter :“The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”: Introduction on the“Great Ten Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”<The Combination of
  • 公告日期:2019-01-08
  • 普賢菩薩

    2011及2012年,心宏師父於「馬來西亞、新山、新山柔佛佛學會」宣講《華嚴經》講座:第四十卷《普賢行願品》普賢菩薩十大願 <佛教教義、朝聖與藝術的結合>,已上傳 YouTube!

    It is on YouTube that【Lecture of the Avatamsaka Sutra】: The 40th Chapter :“The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”:Introduction on the“Great Ten Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”<The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine, Pilgrimage and Art> given by Ven. Shing-Hong at Johor Buddhist Mission in Johor, Malaysia in 2011 and 2012.

    蓮友可以點選下面連結網址在 YouTube 觀看:
    《華嚴經》講座:第四十卷《普賢行願品》普賢菩薩十大願 <佛教教義、朝聖與藝術的結合>:

    第一部分 https://sbaweb.page.link/EBMe
    第二部分 https://sbaweb.page.link/oySD
    第三部分 https://sbaweb.page.link/ey3j

    Please click the hyperlink as below to watch on YouTube:
    【Lecture of the Avatamsaka Sutra】: The 40th Chapter :“The Practices and Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”:Introduction on the“Great Ten Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra”<The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine, Pilgrimage and Art>:

    Part One https://sbaweb.page.link/EBMe
    Part Two https://sbaweb.page.link/oySD
    Part Three https://sbaweb.page.link/ey3j

    ◎ 課程簡介:
    ·       一者禮敬諸佛
    ·       二者稱讚如來
    ·       三者廣修供養
    ·       四者懺悔業障
    ·       五者隨喜功德
    ·       六者請轉法輪
    ·       七者請佛住世
    ·       八者常隨佛學
    ·       九者恆順眾生
    ·       十者普皆迴向

    The contents for Part II of the public lectures :
    1. The Reason of Giving the Lecture
    2. The Rise of Avatamsaka Sutra
    3. The Brief Contents of  Avatamsaka Sutra
    4. The Chinese Translation Version of Avatamsaka Sutra
    5. The Supreme Benefit of Avatamsaka Sutra
    6. Summary of Avatamsaka Sutra : Generating the Mind of  Bodhisattva Samantabhadra
    7. Additional Explanation of Ten Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra : A Guidance to Pure Land of the Buddha Amitabha
    8. Verses and Text of Avatamsaka Sutra
    ·       First, Pay homage and respect to all Buddha’s
    ·       Second, Praise all the Buddha’s
    ·       Third, Make abundant offerings.
    ·       Fourth, Repent misdeeds and evil karma’s (actions)
    ·       Fifth, Rejoice in others’ merits and virtues
    ·       Sixth, Request the Buddha’s to teach
    ·       Seventh, Request the Buddha’s to remain in the world
    ·       Eighth, Always Study With the Buddhas
    ·       Ninth, Constantly Accord with Living Beings
    ·       Tenth, Universally Transfer All Merit and Virtue

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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2019-01-08 AM 11:32

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