

心宏法师 Master ShingHong

标题2012年桑耶精舍月历心宏法师法语 (2012 Calendar Dharma Words with Ven. Shinhong Shih)


(Ultimate Wisdom)


(Improvement on your right views、

Putting down your attachments、

Realization on the nature of your mind

2011-12.【修持般若智慧的过程:五种渐次步骤】Five Gradual Stages for the Pratices on the Process of Ultimate Wisdom


2012-01.【禅修的三种层次定义】Three Levels of Definition on the Subject of Meditation and Insight


2012-02.【修持般若波罗蜜的甚深功德】Profound Virtue of Practice on the Prajnaparamita--Ultimate Wisdom


2012-03.【般若波罗密四种功德】Four Kinds of Virtue on the Practice of the Prajnaparamita


2012-04.【善法的明确定义Specific Definition in term of Goodness


2012-05.【出离心的正确心态】Positive Motivation of Renunciation


2012-06.【快樂的心】Mind full of Joy and Happiness


2012-07.【慈心观的修持功用】Practical Function of Loving-Kindness & Compassion


2012-08.【禅修最重要的内容】Major Contents of Meditation and Insight


2012-09.【空性的教法在生活中体现】Manifestation on Your Daily Life from the Practice of Emptiness Doctrine


2012-10.【生命的连續、犹如不斷的串珠】Life Shown Continuously as the Unbroken Beading


2012-11.【缘起性空的真理】Truth of Interdependence-Arising and Emptiness


2012-12.【回向的主要目的】Main Purpose of Dedication


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