

六度萬行 Activities


影像集錦 Albums / 心宏法師法語 : SBA 2014 月曆 / 2014年4月

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毗舍離 (Vaishali) 位於印度‧恆河的北岸,是佛教八大勝地之一。著名的維摩詰居士 (Vimalakriti),就曾經住在此城中與弘法過。而釋迦佛陀當年、也是在此地,向他的弟子們預言:自己將在三個月後,捨報而進入大涅槃 (Maha-Parinirvana)。
Vaishali, situated at the northern side of the Ganges shore in India, is one of the eight great Buddhist holy sites. The famous lay practitioner Vimalakriti once lived and expounded the Dharma here. And it was here that the Buddha Sakyamuni also declared that he would relinquish his body and enter into Maha-Parinirvana in three months’ time.

2013-12-19 AM 11:15 sba


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