


【釋迦牟尼佛的三乘教法】(Three Vehicles of Sakyamuni Buddha)





此處「三乘教法」的定義是指:南傳佛教(Therevada Buddhism)、北傳佛教/大乘佛法(Mahayana Buddhism),與藏傳佛教/金剛乘教法(Vajrayana Buddhism)。佛教乘三教法的來由,可從空間、時間與其他角度,來分類與探討。






· 南傳佛教,區域包含現在的斯里蘭卡、緬甸、泰國、寮國、越南、高棉、中國雲南邊境,以及南洋群島等地區。

· 北傳佛教,大小乘的教義皆俱全,也包含中國的唐密與日本的東密,而以大乘佛教為主流,區域包含現在的中國、韓國、日本、台灣、香港、新加坡與馬來西亞等地區。

· 藏傳佛教,廣義的說應該稱「金剛乘佛教」,因為所流傳的區域,不是只有在西藏地區。在印度的大乘佛教,融合了部份的印度密教後,向北方流傳,經過中亞、尼泊爾而傳入西藏。所以,金剛乘佛教的區域,包含北印度、尼泊爾、不丹、錫金、西藏、青海、西康、蒙古等地區。


· 南傳佛教,主要以小乘佛法的巴利文系佛法為主,為上座部教法弘傳的重鎮,當然目前南洋群島等地區,也以各地的方言,在弘揚南傳佛教的教法。

· 北傳佛教,主要語言為印度文、梵文、漢語與其他語言。因為大乘佛法也流布在中國,後又傳入日本、韓國等多處,所以大乘佛法的經典,目前也以多國語言而保存著。例如:中文、日文、韓文與藏文等等,乃至現代的英文佛典翻譯。

· 藏傳佛教,主要語言為梵文與藏文。金剛乘佛教認為,完整的佛法道次地,應該同時重視與兼顧:聲聞乘(南傳佛法),般若乘(漢傳教法),金剛乘等教法皆為佛說,三乘教法都應尊重,而且需要按照道次第地學習與修持,故金剛乘佛教含括三乘教義。晚期八世紀初,印度佛法主要傳入西藏,特別是在 12世紀時左右,印度受到回族入侵,大肆破壞佛教與其他宗教,而導致佛教在印度,已名存而實亡的現狀。然而,許多重要的教法與珍貴的經典,卻大量傳入西藏等地區,並且保存在金剛乘佛法的體系中。



【The Essential Buddhist References for Research as well as Practices:】

(Writen by Shinhong Shih )

I. Buddhist history and general introduction:

  1. Cousins, L. S. (1997) “Buddhism”,A New Handbook of Living Religions (ed. John R Hinnells) English: Penguin Books.
  2. Prebish, Charles S ed.(1994) Buddhism: A Modern Perspective, USA: PennsylvaniaStateUniversity Press.
  3. Robinson, Richard H & Willard L. Johnson (1997) The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction, An international Thomson Publishing Company: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  4. http://www.thomson.com/wadsworth.html
  5. Skilton, Andrew (1994) A Concise History of Buddhism, UK: Windhorse Publications.

II. Theravada Buddhism:

  1. Rahula, Walpola (1959) What the Buddha Taught, London: Gordon Fraser Gallery Ltd
  2. Gethin, Rupert (1998) The Foundations of Buddhism, Oxford, New York: Oxford Unversity Press.
  3. Gombrich, Richard (1988) Theravada Buddhism, London: Routledge.

III. Mahayana Buddhism:

  1. Williams, Paul (1989) Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations, London: Routledge.
  2. Gomez, Luis O. (1996). The Land of Bliss: The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light: Sanskrit and Chinese Versions of the Sukhavativyuha Sutra, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  3. Hisao Inagaki (1984). A Tri-Lingual Glossary of the Sukhavativyuha Sutra:Indexes to the Larger and Smaller Sukhavativyuha Sutra, Kyoto: Nagata Bushodo.
  4. Hisao Inagaki (1995). The Three Pure Land Sutras: A Study and Translation From Chinese, Kyoto: Nagata Bushodo.
  5. Becker, Carl B (1993). Breaking the Circle: Death and the Afterlife in Buddhism,USA: Southern IllinoisUniversity Press.

IV. Vajrayana Buddhism:

  1. Powers, John (1995) Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, New York: Snow Lion.
  2. Samuel, Geoffrey (1993). Civilized Shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan Societies, Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  3. Wallace, Vesna A. and Wallace, B. Alan (1997). A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life, New York: Snow Lion.
  4. Santideva (1995) The Bodhicaryavatara, trans. Kate Crosby and Andrew Skilton, Glasgow: Caledonian International Book Manufacturing Ltd.

V. How to find or purchase these above books from internets:

(please follow this suggested order to research)

  1. http://www.addall.com
    There are two approaches: used and new

  2. Alibris: Books You Thought You’d Never Find

  3. http:www.bookfinder.com

  4. http://www.abebooks.com

  5. http://www.amazon.com

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