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  • 標題:【大方廣佛華嚴經、淨行品】【The Eleventh Chapter “Practice of Purification” of the Avatamsaka Sutra】
  • 公告日期:2008-11-01
  • 當身口意清淨時,就是身口意不造惡業,既能自利,又能利他;既能自覺,更能覺他,清淨行就是菩薩行,是真正的老老實實的去實踐,而不只是明白道理而已。

    When our body, speech and mind are purified, i.e. they do not create bad karma, we could benefit others as much as ourselves; at the same time we could also help others as much as ourselves to achieve enlightenment. Hence practice of purification is the practice of Bodhisattvas. We should not just simply understand these concepts but should actually put them into actions in our everyday life. 

    心宏法師於 20046在新加坡、大悲佛教中心講授《大方廣佛華嚴經、淨行品》,內容是淨行品裏的一百四十個願,這些願都是為眾生而修行,所以這是大乘菩薩所修的一種行門。


    In June 2004, Venerable Shinhong gave the teaching onChapter Eleven “The Practice of Purification” in Avatamsaka Sutrain Tai Pei Buddhist Centre of Singapore. The chapter includes 140 distinct versus which vow to practice for the benefits of countless sentient beings, hence an important practice for Bodhisattvas. 

    The lecture is currently available for download.

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