

最新公告 News


  • 標題:《佛子行、三十七頌》,已可下載!《The Thirty-Seven Practices of All Buddha’ Sons》is currently available for download.
  • 公告日期:2008-07-23
  • 印尼巴淡島的佛像20081月初,心宏法師在印尼、巴淡島講授《佛子行、三十七頌》,內容是西藏、圖美桑波仁波切,將自己修持菩薩行的經驗,及經論中所宣說種種修持菩薩行的法門,選輯精要,以口訣的方式,闡明於三十七個偈頌中,此著作是西藏佛教四大教派所共同推崇,可作為學習一切大乘、與金剛乘的教法之基礎。講經內容歡迎下載!

    In early January 2008, Master Shinhong gave the teaching onThe Thirty-Seven Practices of All Buddha’ Sonsin Vihara Metta Parami, which is in Batam Island of Indonesia . The text was composed by Thogme Zangpo Rinpoche. He combined his personal practice and meditation experiences, and various Bodhisattva practices according to the sutra, summarized them into these thirty-seven short verses so as to remember or sing easily. The text is the fundamental course for learning Mahayana Buddhism as well as Vajrayana Buddhism. The content of the lecture is currently available for download.



    (一)    一切修行的根本:「心」是三傳 (南傳、北傳、藏傳)教法實踐的下手處。


    (二)    圓滿自利與利他:自利與利他,則是依「煩惱無盡誓願斷,法門無量誓願學」的兩大原則,生生世世、盡未來際地努力與精進。


    (三)    道次地的重要性:例如:「六度」與「十地」,是大乘佛法的核心課題。


    (四)    發菩提心、行六度萬行的根本條件。



    1.       The root of all practices: “Mindfulness” is the root of all practices (Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism).


    2.       Complete practices for yourself and othersThe practices for yourself and others are according to two universal vows, “to eradicate countless earthly desires” and “to master immeasurable Buddhist teachings”. We diligently practice it not only in this life but also in future life.


    3.       The significance of the stages of enlightenment: For example, “Six Perfections (Prajna-paramita)” and “Ten Stages (Dasa-bhumi)” are the key issues in Mahayana Buddhism.


    4.       The foundational conditions of generating Bodhicitta and engaging into the Six Perfections as well as the countless actions.

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