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  • 標題:【釋迦牟尼佛誕生的聖地:藍毗尼園】【The Holy Birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni : Lumbini Garden】 :
  • 公告日期:2008-07-23
  • 尼泊爾藍毗園內的日本平和塔 攝於2007年尊貴的釋迦牟尼佛誕生之處(位在尼泊爾的西南處和印度交界地)



    Holy Buddha Sakyamuni’s birthplace, which is in the southwest of Nepal and also near the border of India.

    由心宏法師、帶領桑耶精舍(SBA )蓮友,在2005年及2007年,至尼泊爾的西南僻壤和印度的交界處,距加德滿都約280公里,釋迦牟尼佛誕生的聖地:藍毗尼園(釋迦牟尼誕生地的遺址在魯潘德希縣境,距加德滿都 280公里。Lumbini朝聖;並且在此之後,桑耶精舍將精華照片彙集,製作成影音檔案。


    In 2005 and 2007, Venerable Shinhong led the group of SBA members and students for Lumbini garden, the birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni. It is the countryside in the southwest of , about 280km away from Kathmandu, and near the border of . With careful selection of the precious photos taken, SBA members made them into a short video of pilgrimage. The video uses 2005 new-year prayers composed by the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa as the background music. On top of presenting the birthplace of Buddha, we also want to dedicate this video for the world peace and prosperity.


    (一)    花園聖地區:佛陀誕生園區

    (二)    寺院規劃區:各國佛教組織,所援建的寺院:南傳、北傳、藏傳,等地不同風格之佛寺

    (三)    園區目前的綠化及其他重要景物

    (四)    遊園的交通方式:僅有人力三輪車代步


    1.   Lumbini Garden:The sacred birth site of Buddha
    2.      Layout for various monasteries: The monasteries are built by different countries and in different styles, which include Theravada, Mahayana and Tibetan traditions.
    3.      Other greenery and important heritage
    4.      Transportation in the village: Trishaw, the only available mean of transportation

    【線上直接觀賞 Vedio On-line】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJjp7jqeaOI

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