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  • 標題:【賢劫千佛、成佛的聖地】:【The Most Holy Place of Becoming Completed Enlightenment for One Hundred Buddhas in the Good Kalpa Period】:
  • 公告日期:2008-03-23
  • 菩提迦耶正覺大塔寺(攝於2006年)尊貴的釋迦牟尼佛開悟、與成佛之處(在東印度、菩提迦耶地區、的菩提正覺大塔寺)




    The Holy Place for Ven. Sakyamuni Buddha to become a Buddha after the attainment of the complete enlightenment. (Mahabodhi-temple Program at the Bodhigaya area in the Eastern India)

    由心宏法師、帶領桑耶精舍(SBA )蓮友,在20052006於東印度Bodhigaya地區的Mahabodhi-temple朝聖;並且在此之後,桑耶精舍將精華照片彙集,製作成影音檔案。歡迎下載!

    Under the kindly guidance of Ven. Shinhong, the SBA members and students in both 2005 and 2006 years had made a very peaceful and enjoyable Buddhist pilgrimage on the Mahabodhi-temple at the Bodhigaya area in the Eeastern India. At the same time, after this trip, SBA selected some very precious photos for particularly making a short movie of Buddhist pilgrimage.

    Most welcome to download this file and enjoy it.

    片長 (Time)00:15:10 (15minutes)


    內容介紹 (The Brief Introduction for the Content of this Short Movie):



                     Mahabodhi-temple: Front view, Four corners, the Buddha Statue inside


               Various views at the four corners of Mahabodhi-temple: walking around the lake, walking around this great temple, the Diamond-Seat under the Bodhi-tree.  

    () 環顧大佛塔四周的小佛塔、壇城等造景,以及修行的行者
    Many small stupas surrounding of  Mahabodhi-temple, sightseeing of the ceremony place and many practitioners.
    The ceremony place of Samantabhadra Prayer Activities and H.H. 17th Karmapa’s teachings
    Sangha members and lay persons who worshipping towards the Great Temple and different people from various countries.
    The different views of Mahabodhi-temple from midnight to morning
    Download this file: Please contact with the below links.
    說明:此檔案應放在「朝聖之旅 Pilgrimage」專區,目前因網站軟體設計、尚未完備。所以暫時放置「內容下載 Download」區中的「其他類」。造成您的不便,敬請見諒。)
    (Note: This file should be set up into “the Pilgrimage Section”.However, due to that the soft system of this website is recently not very sufficient, we have to temporarily arrange this file into the Other Section” of “the Content Download Section”.We sincerely apologized that, if it will cause your any inconvenience.)
    若您目前無法在電腦觀看此檔案內容,建議您,可至以下連結路徑下載 Windows Media Player 軟體:
    If you couldn’t see this file in your present computer, it will be better to download this special software (Windows Media Player) as below:

    【線上直接觀賞 Vedio On-line】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N28tJRJaSFk

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