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  • 標題:《十善業道經》(The Discourse on the Ten Wholesome ways of Action)下載;
  • 公告日期:2007-09-01
  • 眾生都很苦,但是,苦在那裡呢?苦在不知道如何改變苦因。
    All sentient beings have suffering, but, what is the suffering? Do we really know?
    We are in pain but we do not know how to transfer our cause of suffering.
    Actually, through practice Ten Wholesome ways of Actionwe will be able transfer our cause of suffering.
    Ven. Shihhong teacher gives teaching of The Discourse on the Ten Wholesome ways of Action in Indonesia, Batam Island on May, 2006.
    Through his speech, he provides Buddha’s teaching to new age people to find out what is the cause of suffering and also giving many solutions and methods for solving our suffering.  

    1.   「輪迴」涵義深廣,明瞭「輪迴」真諦。
    2.      現代「放生」的意義。
    3.      佛教徒的義工,及非佛教徒的義工,得的果報同與不同。
    4.      真正的「布施」功德。
    5.      業力果報的變化原則。
    Furthermore he provides new ideas as below subject:
    1.  In depth meaning of Karma, and to know the true meaning on Karma.
    2.  The modern meaning in “ Release a captured animal”.
    3.  What is the different in service for Buddhist and Non-Buddhist organization,
           and what is the different merit?
    4.  The true merit on giving.
    5.  The principle of how to transform our Karma. 
    Please go to below “Link reference” to download

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