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  • 标题:2012年心宏法师德国弘法课程录影,已上载 YouTube! The Videos of Dharma Lectures given by Ven. Shinhong Shi in Germany in 2012 are on YouTube!
  • 公告日期:2017-11-20
  • 法轮

    「净业三福」是,释迦牟尼佛在《观无量寿经》中,特别強調:对一切佛教徒,所应 修持與积集足够的资粮,也是三世诸佛所重视的「净业正因」。然後,佛陀对韦提希夫人开示,在生命尚未结束前,要如何准备足够的条件,往生後才会投生到阿弥陀佛的极樂净土。
    莲友可以点选 https://goo.gl/D2t1Bb 至 YouTube 观看。

    <Topic>:Three Kinds of Pure Karmas for Increasing Our Virtue and Ultimate Wisdom
    According to the Sutra of "the Visualization on the Amitayus Buddha", Buddha Sakyamuni specially emphasized that, every Buddhist practitioner should constantly increase enough conditions through our daily practices. This main point is also remarked as "the Foundational Causes of Increasing Pure Karmas" which were always to be strongly recommended by past, present and future of all Buddhas. After that, Buddha particularly shows his precious teachings to Queen Vitisi for that, before dying, how we can prepare to increase enough conditions for being reborn in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha in the coming future.
    Please click here https://goo.gl/D2t1Bb to watch on YouTube.

    莲友可以点选 https://goo.gl/PzjEmW
    至 YouTube 观看。

    <Topic>:The Four Dharmas of Gampopa
    According to the Sutra of "Samadhi Raja" (translated as the King of Meditation), Buddha Sakyamuni specially emphasized that, Ven. Gampopa master was remarked as the Moon-Light Bodhisattva and will become completely as the Enlightened Buddha in the future. In the Kargyur Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism system, he was the Root Guru of the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa . In this precious topic, Gampopa showed us how to learn and practice systematically as step by step and also approached to the liberation of enlightenment. This subject was also regarded as the main instruction of practice on the Mahamudra. Briefly, these teachings can be divided into FOUR PARTS as followings:
    1) The First Dharma : Grant your blessing, so that my mind may be one with the dharma.
    2) The Second Dharma : Grant your blessing, so that the dharma may go along the path.
    3) The Third Dharma : Grant your blessing, so that the dharma may clarify confusion.
    4) The Fourth Dharma : Grant your blessing, so that confusion may dawn as wisdom.
    Please click here https://goo.gl/PzjEmW to watch on YouTube.

    在大乘佛法與金刚乘佛法中,最为殊勝的教法,就是: 「发菩提心,利益无量的眾生」。从凡夫地、直至成佛的无量法门中,发菩提心的具体修持方法,就是在菩萨道上,应该努力地实践:六种福慧资粮。其简单内容的介绍,就是:「布施波罗蜜、持戒波罗蜜、忍辱波罗蜜、精进波罗蜜、禅定波罗蜜、及般若波罗蜜」。本演讲就是 : 如何将深奥的六度波罗蜜,運用在我们的日常生活中。
    莲友可以点选 https://goo.gl/qe89x4 至 YouTube 观看。

    <Topic>:Practices on the Subjects of Six Perfections (Six Prajna-paramita)
    In both systems of the Great Vehicle and the Vajra Vehicle, the most important teaching and the most precious practice is remarked as the "Generating the Bodhicitta (translated as the mindfulness of the enlightenment) for benefiting to all sentient beings". From the stage of the ordinary people to the final achievement of Buddhahood, there are so many countless approaches. The most effective and specific way of Generating Bodhicitta is to engage diligently into "the Sujects of Six Perfections" through the Bodhisattva Path. These major points can be briefly shown as followings: 1) Generosity, 2) Ethical Discipline, 3) Patience, 4) Enthusiastic Effort, 5) Concentration, and 6) Wisdom. This lecture will particularly show us how to put these main points into the practice of our daily lives both effectively and functionally.
    Please click here https://goo.gl/qe89x4 to watch on YouTube.

    观音法门,是佛教中,从古至今,最为广传的修持法门之一。然而许多佛教徒,虽然常常持誦大悲神咒、與观音圣号。但是很少修行人,会真正地依观世音菩萨在《大悲心陀罗尼经》中,所开示的十种相貌,来真实地检验自己的修持品质。「十种相貌」如下所列: 1).大慈悲心. 2).平等心。3).无为心。4).无染着心。5).空观心。6).恭敬心。7).卑下心。8).无杂亂心。9).无见取心。10).无上菩提心。本演讲就是 : 如何将十种相貌,逐渐地落实在、我们的日常修持的生活当中。
    莲友可以点选 https://goo.gl/ogexVE 至 YouTube 观看。

    <Topic>:Practices on the Subjects of Six Perfections (Six Prajna-paramita)
    The Practice of Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva is always regarded as one of the most important and popular practice in Buddhism from the ancient time until now. Although many Mahayana Buddhists always like to recite the mantra of the Great Compassion as well as the Holy Name of Kuan-Yin daily (as same as Avolokitesvara Bodhisattva), however, few Buddhists will honestly examine that, whether their mindfulness indeed reaches into the quality of great compassion practice.
    According to the Sutra of " Great Compassion Dharani", Avolokitesvara Bodhisattva specially emphasized that, if any Buddhist practitioner really practice very well on the subject of the Universal Compassion constantly, he should gradually and naturally manifest these below functions as followings:
    1) Compassionate Mind, 2) Equal Mind, 3) Non-Pretended Mind, 4) Non-Attachment Mind, 5) Mind of Visualization on Emptiness, 6) Respectful Mind, 7) Humble Mind, 8) Non-Disordered Mind or Non-Messy Mind , 9) Mind of Non-Grasping Any View, and 10) Mind of Achievement on Enlightenment.
    This lecture will particularly show us how to put these main points into the practice of our daily lives both effectively and functionally.
    Please click here https://goo.gl/ogexVE to watch on YouTube.

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    • 张贴人:sba
    • 最後修改时间:2017-11-20 AM 10:22

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