

最新公告 News


  • 標題:廣修供養-光明燈 Universal Offering - Lamp of continuous Light
  • 公告日期:2018-03-11
  • 桑耶精舍光明燈牆

    精舍光明燈牆,每盞長明燈每年的費用為新台幣3000元整,國外匯款者含收款銀行手續費約美金110元或新幣150元 (每年年底將重新登記),燈面有觀世音菩薩、阿彌陀佛、以及地藏菩薩,三種佛菩薩像可以選擇。您可以在每個燈座底下,寫上兩個家族的名字(例如:陳XX+林XX閤家)。

    The Lamps-wall of Continuous Light at SBA takes NTD 3000 per lamp for one year, and registers a new one at the end of every year. For foreign remittance, included receiver bank's charges, it takes USD 110 (or SGD 150) per lamp for one year. There are photos of Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin, Buddha Amitabha and Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha in front of lamp for your choice. It is available for you to have two names as beneficiary clans, for example, Family Chen and Family Lin, for one lamp.

    《施燈功德經》中記載:「在佛塔、佛殿或佛堂布施明燈的人,可以得到得到下面四種可樂的福德:相貌莊嚴、資財充足、有大善根、有大智慧。得到四種清淨:身業清淨、口業清淨、意業清淨、善友清淨。」 佛前供燈可分成兩種:一是修法或誦經禮拜,放置在佛前燃燒的油燈,例如酥油燈;另一種是「長明燈」(又名「無盡燈」),這是不分晝夜、保持恆常光明的。現今一般佛寺所點的光明燈,就是屬於「長明燈」。

    According to “Sutra of Merit and Virtue of Offering of Lamp”, it has various statements about the merit and virtue of offering lamp. “If one offers lamp in front of Stupa or Buddha Hall, one will have four kinds of Joyous Virtue : Adorn outlook, always fill with wealth and fortune, have great good roots, and have great wisdom. One will have four kinds of purity : purity in Body, purity in Mouth, purity in mind, and purity in decent companion as well.” There are two kinds of offering lamp in front of Bhddha : One is a shortening oil lamp in praticing Dharma, reciting Sutra or worshipping Buddha, and the other is a lamp of continuous light, known as endless lamp, which lights up day and night.


    We pray sincerely to Buddha, Bodhisattva and Defenders of the Dharma to protect and think of them and their families who support and donate all day. If you would like to offer lamp for donation, please remit to the bank account as below :

    台灣帳戶 1 (Taiwan Account #1):

     (Note : This post office account can *only* be used in Taiwan )

    台灣帳戶 2 (Taiwan Account #2):
    戶名: 盛崑宏
    台幣活期儲蓄存款帳戶  : 00169147118811
    外幣存款帳戶                : 0200147118811 (接受 美金、新加坡幣、歐元、日幣、港幣、人民幣及英磅)
    銀行: 元大銀行大安分行
    分行代碼: 806-1043
    地址: 100 台北市中正區新生南路1段148號之1
    電話: +8862-2395-8199

    Account Name: Sheng, Kun-Hung
    TWD Savings Deposit Account No: 00169147118811
    Foreign Currency Account No: 0200147118811 (USD、SGD、EUR、JPY、HKD、RMB & GBP are available)
    Address: 3F., NO. 210, SEC. 3, CHENGDE RD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN. R.O.C.
    Swift Address: APBKTWTH
    Tel: +886-800-688-168
    新加坡帳戶3 (Singapore Account #3):
    1)   For anyone transferring monies to this Singapore account via swift address, the information:
    a) To receive funds (foreign currencies other than USD) from an overseas party to this Singapore account:
         Account Name: SHENG, KUN-HUNG
         Account No.: 137-54272-2
         Bank: DBS Bank
         Address: 6 Shenton way, DBS buildings, Singapore 068809
         Swift Address: DBSSSGSG
         CHIPS UID Number: 034675
         or Telex Number: RS24455  
    b) To receive funds in USD from an overseas party to this Singapore account, addtional informaiton will be required as follows:
         Account Name: SHENG, KUN-HUNG
         Account No.: 137-54272-2
         Pay to: Bank of New York Mellon, New York (Swift Address: IRVTUS3N)
         FED ABA: 021000018
         For account of: DBS Bank Ltd, Singapore (Swift address: DBSSSGSG)

    2)   For anyone transferring monies to this Singapore account via either DBS or POSB ATM, the information should be as such:
         Account Name: SHENG, KUN-HUNG
         Account No.: 137-54272-2 (POSB Savings Account)
    (Note : This account can *only* be used in Singapore)

    • 附件檔案:
    • 參考連結:
    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2018-07-13 AM 11:44

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