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  • 标题:《法句经》 第一部份 (第一品 : 双品) 已可下载 ! Dhammapada Part One 【Chapter 1: The Pairs :(Yamaka -Vaggo) is now ready for download!】
  • 公告日期:2011-10-31
  • 佛陀造形石像

    「法句」( DHAMMAPADA),是佛陀在不同場合中说的诗句,生动活泼地描述了佛陀和僧伽運作情形之外,也记载佛陀的在家信徒和当时北印度人的生活和想法,当中大部份跟道德有关。汇集成经是在王舍城(RAJAGAHA)第一次佛经结集时(佛灭後三月)由眾阿罗汉誦出,并命名为DHAMMAPADA──法句经。

    Dhammapada is a collection of verses spoken by the Buddha on various occasions. These verse vividly describe the lives of the Buddha and Sangha, as well as the thinking of layman in north India. Most verses deal with ethics. The Dhammapada was orally assembled by many Arhats in the first gathering in the city of Rajagaha three months after the Buddha passed away.

    「法句经」,心宏法师于 2011年六月,在「台北、桑耶精舍」 宣讲。
    From June to August in 2011, the lecture was given by Ven. Shing-Hong at the Samye Buddhist Association, Taipei.

    宣讲内容为 :

    1. 讲经因缘

    2. 法句序 (印顺导师撰, 1954)

    3. 译後记 (了参法师记, 1953)

    4. 参考書目

    5. 各种版本、品名对照表

    6. 第一品,偈誦與相关经文

    The contents are :

    1. The arising cause and effect of the lecture

    2. The preface, written by Ven. Yin-shun in 1954.

    3. The afterword of Chinese translation, written by Yeh-Chun in 1953.

    4. The reference

    5. The comparison table of related versions and items .

    6. The root verses and texts of Chapter 1: The Pairs :(Yamaka -Vaggo)

    参考網站 (reference website) : http://online-dhamma.net/nanda/Tipitaka/Sutta/Khuddaka/Dhammapada/Dhp_English.htm

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    • 张贴人:sba
    • 最後修改时间:2012-02-02 PM 3:19

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