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  • 標題:花蓮校外之旅(2011 Hua-Lien Trip)
  • 公告日期:2011-08-05
  • 花蓮慶修院,心宏法師及好友,與空海大師雕像合影

    SBA hold a trip to Hua-Lien on 8/6 and 8/7 , 2011.  The following is the itinerary is for your reference.

    一、             花蓮慶修院
    1. Chin-Shio temple
    This temple was established by Japanese Shingon sect in 1917. The main temple is a typical Japanese Edo style building with traditional temple layout. This is one of the best preserved Japanese temple in Taiwan.花蓮、慶修院,高野山簡介
    二、             鯉魚潭
    2. Li-yu lake
    Li-yu (carp) lake is the largest lake in Hua-lien.  It is name by the carp-shaped mountain beside the lake. The route around the lake is 4km (about 1 hour walk). You can enjoy the beautiful scene by camping, picnic, biking or hiking.
    三、             金澤居民宿:潭心閣
    3. Tan-Shin-Ko B&B
    A Japanese style B&B beside the carp lake. This is a green building which has private balcony in every room.
    四、             太魯閣燕子口&慈恩橋
    太魯閣國家公園,重修錐麓古道,從慈恩橋到燕子口,全長10.3公里。錐麓古道屬日治時代合歡越嶺古道的一段,因錐麓斷崖而得名,峭壁寬1200公尺、高600公尺,錐麓與福磯斷崖隔溪對峙,是太魯閣峽谷最壯麗的景觀。錐麓大斷崖位於流芳橋和靳珩橋間,為立霧溪切穿三角錐山東南稜,形成的深窄直立的斷崖。 錐麓距太魯閣口約13公里,在立霧溪北岸,全由大理岩構成。
    4. Taroko (from swallow grotto to Ci-En bridge)
    The trail from Swallow grotto and Ci-en bridge is about 10.3 km.  It was part of an old trail to the Ho-Huan Mountain. The cliff is 1200m wide and 600 meter high. The rock cliffs of the Liwu River gorge seem to reach to heaven while the river runs its swiftest and the distance between the gorge walls so narrow that they almost seem to touch each other. This is the most spectacular scene of the national park.五、             太魯閣祥德寺
    5 Xiangde (Hsiong Te) temple
    The Xiangde temple, located in the Taroko National Park, was built in 1962.  Building this temple was a very difficult task because it is deeply embedded in mountains. The temple sits against the central mountain and surrounded by the liwu river. The temple was seriously damaged by typhoon and earth quake in 1990. Ven. Di-Cio rebuilt this temple as an internationally famous holly site for the Earth Store Bodhisattva.

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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2011-08-05 AM 1:39

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