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  • 標題:影像集錦-高雄紫竹林精舍 (Albums - KaoHsiung Zi Zhu Lin Buddhist temple)
  • 公告日期:2009-12-12
  • 紫竹林精舍大雄寶殿

    Master Shin-hong and SBA members visited Zi Zhu Lin Buddhist temple in early May, 2006. Zi Zhu Lin Buddhist temple, located in KaoHsiung in southern Taiwan, has modern structures for Buddhist culture education. There are three main buildings. The first building, containing the statues of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, represents the Jewel of Buddha. The second building, which is a library and classrooms, represents the Jewel of Dharma. The third building, which has the offices and residence of nuns, represents the jewel of Sangha.

    All patterns, embossments, and statues in the buildings are based on   the Lotus Sutra”. The buildings are designed to teach Dharma of the Lotus Sutra. 
    For example, the bronze door shows the robe of a Dharma master. Behind the entrance, there are two rows of Dharma seats. In the middle, there is a statue of a sitting Maitreya in meditation.  The above things represent teaching in the Lotus Sutra, “Great pity and compassion are the room. Gentleness and patience are the robe. The emptiness of all phenomena is the seat, and from that position one should expound the Law for them.” 
    There are so many features to see in the temple. Please enjoy our selected photos and do a pilgrimage on the internet. 

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