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  • 標題:《妙法蓮華經》講座:第二章「方便品」<佛教教義與朝聖的結合>,已可下載!【Lecture of the Lotus Sutra】:The Second Chapter: Expedient Means <The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine and Pilgrimage> is currently available for download!
  • 公告日期:2009-08-10
  • 二佛並坐 (攝於新加坡、雙林寺)

    此次演講的幾個重要主題 (Several main subjects of this lecture)
       (1.)尼泊爾、倫毗尼朝聖短片(A short film of Buddhist pilgrimage at the Lumbini in Nepal, which Buddha Sakyamuni was born as a child.)
    (2.)從二諦的角度,說明佛智的廣大無邊之境界:特別是「十如是」的主題。(From the viewpoint of the Two Truth, briefly introducing the endless stage of all Buddhas’ wisdom especially focusing on the issue of the “Ten Suchness”)
           (3.)舍利弗的三次請法,與佛陀的拒絕二次、和最後的慈悲允許:(Sariputra sincerely required to Buddha Sakyamuni as three times for turning the dharma-wheel, however Buddha rejected that for two times and finally he agreed to preach it very compassionately)
    (4.)佛陀的四眾弟子、五千增上慢人的退席:(The happening of the very un-usual situation which Buddha’s four types of disciples as five thousand had shown as absently.)
    (5.)佛陀出現於世間的真實目的:一大事因緣、與四種佛的知見(The real purpose of Buddha’s appearance in this world: One Especial Condition and Four Kinds of Buddha’s Views.)
    (6.)三乘方便與一乘真實:(Three Paths as a particular skillful mean and oppositely the Only One Path of Buddhahood as a real approach)
    (7.)五濁惡世中的三乘說法、與二乘聖者的善巧救渡:(The preaching ways as the Three Paths in this world as full of Five Types of Defilements, and the particular guide of liberation as Two Paths for the Hinayana holy beings)
    (8.)點燈的功德與它的修持:(Virtue of the Light-Offerings and their practices)
    (9.)三種念佛的簡介:(Brief introduction of the Three Kinds of Contemplation on Buddha’s qualities)(A). 觀想念佛Contemplation on Buddha’s image or visualization. (B). 持名念佛Contemplation on the recitation of Buddha’s Holy Name. (C). 唯心念佛Contemplation on the manifestation of Buddha’s mindfulness)

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