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  • 標題:【釋迦牟尼佛初轉法輪的聖地】:鹿野苑(Sarnath, Deer Park)及聖城:瓦拉那西(Varanasi)短片介紹(Short Video )
  • 公告日期:2009-06-20
  • 印度、鹿野苑、逹美克佛塔

    尊貴的釋迦牟尼佛 初轉法輪之處(位在印度北方省的瓦拉那西- 鹿野苑) 
    Sarnath (or also known as the Deer Park), where Holy Buddha Sakyamuni first introduced the Dharma, is located near Varanasi in the northern state of India.

    由心宏法師、帶領桑耶精舍(SBA )蓮友,在2005年底前往於,印度北方省的瓦拉那西(Varanasi)朝聖。瓦拉那西,位於印度北部的恆河流域,是昔日佛陀遊化弘法的,迦尸國(Kasi);其中距離瓦拉那西約10公里處,車程約40分鐘的鹿野苑(Sarnath),是佛陀初轉法輪及建立僧團的聖地;並且在此之後,桑耶精舍將精華照片彙集,製作成影音檔案。 
    At the end of year 2005, members and students of SBA, led by Venerable Shinhong made a pilgrimage to Varanasi. In the northern state of India, Varanasi is located on the left bank of River Ganga, where the ancient kingdom Kashi belonged, and Buddha traveled and gave teaching in about 2500 years ago. About 10km or 40-minute drive away, we would come to another holy place called Sarnath, where Buddha Sakyamuni first introduced the Dharma and the very first Sangha group was formed in history. With selection of photographs taken, SBA has made them into a short video on the pilgrimage.


    Using 2006 new year prayer, “An Aspiration for the World” composed by the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa as background music, we not only wish to introduce these holy places to others but also dedicate the video for the lasting world peace and happiness.

    (一)恆河(Ganga river):恆河的晨曦及沿岸的風光
    1.      River Ganga: The dawn and sunset of River Ganga and scenery along the river
    2.      Sarnath: where Holy Buddha Sakyamuni first introduced the Dharma and the very first Sangha group was formed in history
    3.      Notes about the pilgrimage

    【線上直接觀賞 Vedio On-line】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEBMwe1MpiM

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