

最新公告 News


  • 標題:2009/5/13(三)「淨佛國土」的系列講座(一):《西方合論》開課 New class starts on 13 May 2009 (Wednesday):The Lecture on the Series of the Pure Land〈Part one〉 (The Combined Commentary on the Wester Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha)
  • 公告日期:2009-05-07
  • 極樂世界圖〈依照觀經所畫的西方變文圖〉【課程簡介】: 袁居士原為宋朝五祖師戒禪師,轉世為蘇東坡,才情洋溢,仍以禪宗為主。直至轉至明朝時,接觸淨土宗,用盡一生寫了《西方合論》,也因此論的功德,成為往生資糧,花開見佛悟無生。
    Class Introduction:
    The author, Yuan Hongdao, was born in Ming Dynasty. After being exposed to Pure Land Buddhism, he showed great interest in the subject and spent his whole life working on the bookThe Combined Commentary on the Western Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha. Because of this merit, he was reborn in Amitabha Pure Land and gained enlightenment. In one of his previous lives, Yuan was Zen master in Song Dynasty; and in another life, he was also a renowned poet and great Zen practitioner, Su Dongpo in Song Dynasty.

    但選此門課者,請先研讀<<淨業三福講記>> (淨空法師講述 佛陀教育基金會印)一書.
    For beginners who have faith in Pure Land Buddhism; or those who look to be free from Samsara, and/or to find true meaning in life
    All who would attend the class must read “Lecture on three types of merits from pure karma” (Lectured by Venerable Chin-kung and printed by Buddha Educational Foundation) before the commencement of the class. The book is currently not available. You could download it from below link:


    1.   選課完後,除非出差、或重病、或家中有重大事故,為尊重法教,請勿隨意缺課。請假時,請向各組課程的班長、或組長請假。若有困難者,請與心宏師父請教解決方案。
    2.   選任何一門課程,週五都要參加共修,以達到「聞、思、修」三學並進及解行相應的效果。若有任何困難者,請與心宏師父請教解決方案。
    Do’s and Don’ts:
    1.      To show respect to dharma, please do not skip class unless for valid reasons, e.g. business trip, sickness or emergency. Please inform class leader when you take leave. If you have difficulties in the above, you could speak with Venerable Shinhong.
    2.      All students must attend group practice every Friday, as we look to gain the benefit from “learning, contemplation and practice”, because theories and practice always complement each other. If you have difficulties in the above, please speak with Venerable Shinhong.

    • 附件檔案:
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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2012-02-02 PM 3:21

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