

桑耶精舍 SBA


  • 標題:2016年桑耶精舍月曆心宏法師法語 (2016 Calendar Dharma Words with Ven. Shinhong Shih)
  • 公告日期:2015-12-21
  • 十方普賢菩薩聖像

    Long-Term Ambition within the Patience):

    Dripping water penetrates a stone

    (Diligence in practice will lead you to your goal)

    Tiny stream flows forever

    (To practice slowly but steadily) 

    Mountains are unshakable

    (Unwavering faith and determination in practice in face of all circumstances)

    為什麼修行者,所求不能如願?有些事情,總是不能順你的心意呢?? 簡要歸納地說:
    1. 過去式的惡業、與煩惱,還沒有完全地懺除清淨。
    2. 今生你所累積、福慧的條件還不夠多。
    3. 現前的人事物的善緣,還未出現。
    As practitioner, why one’s wishes are not granted?  Why are there certain things that cannot go according to what we have wished? To put it simply:
    1. It is because of past bad karma and afflictions have not been repent thoroughly.
    2. The merits and wisdom accumulated in this life is not sufficient.
    3. The current favorable causes & conditions have not appeared.

    1. 深刻地自我反省,並且檢查一日所造之身、口、意的行為
    2. 若有善行,應將累積的功德,歡喜地回向,一切有情眾生。(例如:普皆回向)
    3. 若造惡業,則應該用心地觀照、這些過失,並真誠地懺悔。(例如:懺悔業障)
    Every night before sleeping, what does a practitioner needs to do?
    1. To do a self- reflection and mentally check through what one have done in their body, speech and mind during the day.
    2. If there are kind deeds, one should happily dedicate the accumulated merits to all the sentient beings (e.g. Dedicate merits pervasively and boundlessly)
    3. If there are misdeeds, one should clearly be aware and know these faults, and repent sincerely. (e.g. Repent all misdeeds and afflictions).

    1. 虔誠具信地、向三寶,向上師,不斷地祈請 (例如:皈依三寶、與依止三根本)
    2. 心念放鬆,並專注地思惟,萬法的無常性 (例如:無常觀)
    3. 然後,也要憶念一切苦難的眾生,並發起廣大的慈悲心 (例如:慈悲觀)
    What should practitioners do each day upon waking up?
    1. Pray and supplicate, sincerely with complete faith, to the Triple Gems and Guru(s) (e.g. take refuge in the Triple Gems, and rely upon the Three Roots (Guru, Yidam and Dharma Protector).
    2. With a relaxed mind, focus and reflect on the impermanence of all phenomena (e.g. meditation on impermanence).
    3. Then, also think of all sentient beings who are having all kinds of suffering, and give rise to vast loving kindness and compassion (e.g. meditation on loving kindness and compassion).

    假如沒有想清楚,就會太快說 YES;或沒有足夠的勇氣,說 NO!
    Before a practitioner promises anything, he/she should take three days to meditate and contemplate on it. For if he/she does not think carefully and says YES too soon; or lacks the courage to say NO!, then the outcome of this very restless mind is that a lot of unnecessary trouble will arise easily.

    (1.)堅固與正確的、佛教法義的見地,與 (2.)真實修持不斷的信念。
    Why does one often arise doubt and shaken our faith in our Dharma practice?
    This is because one does not truly build on 2 foundations:
    (1) firm and right insight in Buddhism and Dharma, and
    (2) continuing commitment to put into practice the Dharma we have learnt.

    1. 常常觀照、一切萬法皆空 (例如:大智)
    2. 念念不捨一切、苦難的眾生 (例如:大悲)
    3. 一切身口意三業,所作、如同所言 (例如:表裡如一)
    4. 常為一切諸佛、所護念中 (例如:常常念佛或念咒,並且祈請上師加持)
    How can a practitioner not allow the destruction of Buddha Dharma by Mara? How can we subdue our internal obstacle and external difficulty?
    1. Continuous reflection of the impermanent nature of all phenomena. (Great wisdom)
    2. Having every thought that does not forsake all suffering sentient beings. (Great compassion)
    3. Our body speech and mind is in accordance with what we preach or say. (Sincere/ Genuine personality)
    4. Always keep in mind the thought of all Buddhas. (Often recite the name of the Buddha or mantra, and making aspirations for one’s Guru’s blessings.

    «Small Prajnaparamita Sutra» states: "A self-centered restless mind, pride and arrogance, are the greatest hindrance and obstacles in our practice"
    This type of practitioner is reluctant to learn from good teachers or mentors.
    Or even if they have met a genuine good teacher or mentor, because of their inner doubts and worries,  which are like poison, causing self-hindrance and obstacle to really understand the essence of Dharma.
    As a result, they are unable to make any changes to their karma.

    例如: 遇到逆境來時,或人家突然罵你,這時你應該、透過修持忍辱,來懺除過去的惡業、與煩惱,不要立刻、生起嗔心;假如人家、罵你一句,你也立刻頂回去,那就變成、冤冤相報何時了。
    If a Buddhist forever remains as having knowledge of Buddha Dharma teachings, it will be not much of help to his/her practice. After learning and understanding the essence of the teachings, one should be diligent to make changes to his/her daily life starting from our body, speech and mind.
    For example: When confronted with adversity, or suddenly being scolded by someone, at that moment, one should repent past bad karma and afflictions through the practice of  endurance and patience, instead of getting upset or give rise to anger. If someone scolds you and you retaliate by arguing back, this bad karmic connection will continue and will have no end to it.

    1. 增長自我的福慧資糧。
    2. 磨練無量劫的煩惱、與習氣。
    3. 修持忍辱、與謙讓的功德。
    When one does things in a place of worship/practice, one should always remind oneself ‘What is the aim that I want to achieve in my practice by coming here?’  Simply put:
    1. To increase one’s merit and wisdom
    2. To clear one’s afflictions and bad habits from beginning of time
    3. Practice and cultivation of patience and humbleness

    1. 每天的煩惱,越來越少。
    2. 時時的心念,越來越清淨。
    3. 自我的覺性,愈來越強。
    How will a practitioner know that the Buddha Dharma has brought about changes within his/her mind and heart?
    He/she should always contemplate and examine oneself based on the below 3 viewpoints:
    1. Daily defilements become lesser and lesser
    2. The mind (thoughts) is getting clearer and more virtuous
    3. Self-awareness is getting stronger

    What does “accord to condition” in Buddhism mean? The meaning differ according to situations.
    The most direct answer is "when situation arises, no matter good or bad, you should put your heart and mind to handle or deal with it rather than avoid it.  When the situation is over, completely let go deep from the bottom of your heart."

    因為每個人的價值觀,都不盡相同,所以,當我們做如此的思維時: 「什麼是圓滿?」
    It is because everyone's values are different, therefore we should contemplate on "What is '圓滿' (yuan man)?" (in layman terms, '圓滿' means something completed successfully)
    In this case, it signifies 'generating pure bodhicitta, benefiting others unconditionally, putting in our best effort in the things we do'.  As such, our mind/heart will give rise to immeasurable merits.

    Life is short and there is suffering. Cherish every single moment, every individual and every circumstance we encounter / come upon.
    Practice with a heart of gratitude in our daily life will help in our path of spiritual (or Dharma) cultivation.

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