

桑耶精舍 SBA


  • 標題:2014年桑耶精舍月曆心宏法師法語 (2014 Calendar Dharma Words with Ven. Shinhong Shih)
  • 公告日期:2013-12-18
  • 印度‧拘尸那羅‧大般涅槃寺


    To Face Daily Problems by Positive Attitude,

    To Arrange Different Problems within Peaceful Mindfulness,

    To Resolve Various Problems by the Ultimate Wisdom,

    Let All Kinds of Problems Go through the Peaceful Compassion.






    Instead of always praising and/or admiring others of their accomplishments, why don’t we turn around to look at our inner self, develop strength through serious practice, and put in effort to improve our actions, speech and mind?



    Self-encouragement/self-motivation is the most powerful means and long-lasting one that is needed in our daily practice. The wish to continuously learn the Dharma is one of the most important ways to encourage/motivate oneself as well as to maintain awareness of the mind. If we have not attained such awareness, we should diligently seek different ways to encourage/motivate ourselves.



    大乘禪修,不是要去捨棄一切境界,而找一個特別的外境來修持;而是、在一切境界生起的當中,不管它的好、與壞的當下,而去訓練你的內心,保持你內心的正念與正知,這個叫轉念 (Mind Transformation),這個才叫作:「真正的大乘禪修」。

    Mahayana meditation does not aim to abandon all thoughts/circumstances that arise, and find a special external environment to practice. It actually teaches one to train one’s mind and maintain mindfulness and awareness, regardless of good or bad thoughts/circumstances. This is called “Mind Transformation”, and this practice is the true Mahayana meditation practice.




    With real rejoicing hearts, willingness to learn the pure Dharma, and unceasing courage to change oneself, one will then be able to have affinity with the pure Dharma as well as teacher/guru.




    The uniqueness of meditation is that it will lead the inner mind towards peace and harmony. Real happiness cannot be found from the external material world. Instead one should look within one's inner mind to discover and be aware of it.



    我們這一生修行,想要有高度與超越性的成就,除了壽命要夠長以外,最重要的是、要有修持的長遠心。(Long-terms Intention) 正所謂:「滴水可以穿石」,就是這個道理。

    If we wish to have a high and transcending achievement in our present life's practice, besides having a long life, the most important is to have a long-term intention in cultivation of the mind. It has the same meaning as this sayingcontinuous drip of water will wear the stone away.




    Do not evade one’s own thoughts while doing Dharma practice, regardless whether the thoughts that arise are positive or negative. We must face our true feelings fearlessly. All problems appearing from our deluded mind will not be resolved if we choose to evade them.




    所以《普賢行願品》云:『所有益我善知識,為我顯示普賢行』, 其中「善」字的定義,不僅僅只限於「好的一面」,事實上,從勝義諦而言 ( the viewpoint of the Ultimate Truth),「好的」 與「壞的」,都是善的顯現。

    When meeting good people/circumstances, learn to express our gratitude with words; when meeting challenging people/circumstances, learn to forgive in our hearts. This is because sometimes challenging people/circumstances are Buddhas & Bodhisattvas using skilful means to help us give rise and achieve to Ultimate Bodhicitta. Good karmic connection aids in our practice/self cultivation, so we should abandon attachment to them; whereas bad karmic connection also aids in our practice/self-cultivation, we should let go of our anger to them.

    Therefore, according to <The Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva> verse : "With all advisors good and wise, who aid me by explaining Samantabhadra's deeds”, although the verse seems to indicate only of the “good” advisors, but from the viewpoint of Ultimate Truth, it includes both “good” and “bad”.





    When we interact with our teachers, sometimes we meet moments that we do not understand them. At that instant, we should reflect and find out ‘what is our teacher trying to show us?’

    It will help us improve if we keep practicing in this manner. If not, the continuous doubting and rejection will turn the good karmic relationship between teacher and student into a bad one.





    What is the difference between a practitioner of Buddha's teachings and common lay people? The practitioner will not be affected by any good or bad circumstances. He/she knows that it is the mind that differentiates between good and bad.

    If one observes one's thoughts and clearly sees that the mind is constantly changing, one will then be able to make a step forward, to purify and transform one's thoughts.  Else no matter in how many lifetimes, it will be very difficult for one to be free from the cycle of birth and death.





    If we constantly think of “birth and death”, we will clearly see and know the choices we want to make in this life.





    Buddhist practitioner need to have a continuous long term vow/aspiration. Do not isolate oneself and practice blindly without proper training. One needs to grasp the important point: to tame the ever-changing mind and accept the changes in the body.  Let the practice rest upon the pure Dharma. Do not be too concerned about the external projections and frivolous comments made by others.






    It is a continuously learning process when we walk the bodhisattva path. Especially so when we are standing at a cross road. How to make a better informed and wise choice is sometimes not easy, which is why we need good teachers to guide us and good dharma friends to support us.



    真正的「不執著」(Non-Attachment; Non-Grasping) 的含義,就要清楚地、觀照到:「一切萬法,沒有永恆不變的實體」。

    猶如用手掌,去臉盆裡撈水,水流經過你的手掌;但它們也會從你的手指、與細縫中流掉;所以,最後手掌上,是沒有水的,這就是「不執著」的真實顯現的深義 (profound and deeper meaning)

    The True meaning of “Non-Attachment” or “Non-Grasping” is to clearly see and realize that “all phenomena do not exist permanently.”

    It is just like using the palm of our hand to scoop water from a pail. The water will flow from the fingers and sip through the gaps in between the fingers. Eventually, there will be no water left on the palm. This is the inherent truth of non attachment or non grasping (the meaning is profound and deep).


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