

六度万行 Activities


影像集锦 Albums / 心宏法师法语 : SBA 2014 月历 / 2014年1月

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舍卫城‧祇园精舍(祇树给孤独园)(Jetavana Vihara), 是释迦佛陀当时、在印度西部、弘法的重镇。
莲友们捧着鲜花,站立在祇园精舍的遗址中,恭敬顶礼古代的圣者。而此处,正是精舍中、着名的「吉祥香室」,也是佛陀当年宣讲: 小本的《阿弥陀经》( Smaller Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra) 的地方。
Jetavana Vihara was an important town in west India, where Buddha propagated his teachings. Dharma friends are offering flowers amongst the ruins of Jetavana Vihara and paying respect to holy practitioners of the past. This holy place we see here is the famous 'auspicious incense premise', which was also where the Buddha gave teaching on the《Smaller Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra》.

2013-12-19 AM 11:05 sba


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