

六度万行 Activities


影像集锦 Albums / 心宏法师法语 : SBA 2014 月历 / 2013年12月

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「点燈」(Lamp-offerings),象征着光明與智慧,也是佛教里、很重要的供养與修持之一种行为。图为莲友们在『安迦罗大塔』(Angara Chaitya) 前点燈,希望借由在大塔前点燈與祈愿,不但能够点亮自己、内心中的智慧光明,进而照亮一切眾生的慈悲之光。
Lamp offering symbolizes brightness and wisdom and is one of the main offerings and cultivation practices in Buddhism. The picture shows dharma friends doing lamp offering in front of a stupa/pagoda called 'Angara Chaitya', hoping that the offering and aspiration made in front of the stupa/pagoda will not only light up the wisdom in their hearts/mind, at the same time, to illuminate all sentient beings with the light of compassion.

2013-12-19 AM 11:03 sba


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