

六度万行 Activities


影像集锦 Albums / 心宏法师法语 : SBA 2012 月历 / 2012年04月

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在瓦拉那西的恒河中,信仰印度教的人们深深地相信: 只要用恒河的圣水、清洗身体,就可以把所有的恶业清净與消除。但是,佛陀却进一步开示:外在的圣水,只能用来清洗身体的表层;但自己恶业的清净與消除,是要从「修心」上去着手與修持。
Many Hindus believe that if they bathe in the holy Ganges River at Varanasi, all their negative karma will be cleansed and eliminated. However, the Buddha preached that the holy water can only wash our physical body. In order to cleanse and eliminate our negative karma, we must begin from ‘purifying our mind’ and focus inwardly ourselves as we practice diligently

2012-03-22 PM 10:18 sba


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