

六度万行 Activities


  • 标题:贡噶寺與贡噶佛學院 DVD(DVD of Gangkar Temple and Buddhist Institute of Gangkar)
  • 公告日期:2009-08-21
  • 第十世贡噶仁波切在桑耶精舍开示

    ○【转世的简介】(Introduction of Gangkar Reincarnation)按照现今贡噶仁波切的口述:贡噶仁波切的转世,根据贡噶寺的纪录,现在是第十世。第一世至第五世都有许多的弟子,但第六世至第八世則不收弟子,而以閉关修行为主。上一世(第九世)时,认为前三世(第六世至第八世)的閉关修行不是好的利生方式,因此自认为是第六世,但实際上,根据贡噶寺的纪录,应该是第九世。
    According to the oral record of current Gangkar Rinpoche, this is his tenth life. The first to fifth Gangkar Rinpoche had many disciples while the sixth to eighth Rinpoche focused on personal retreat and hence did not accept any. The ninth Rinpoche however, felt that focusing only on personal retreat failed to benefit other sentient beings, and hence recognized himself as the sixth rather than the ninth Rinpoche.

    ○【利生无量】(Benefiting Countless Sentient Beings)第九世贡噶仁波切,名震中国大江南北,弟子遍布。如:贡噶老人、陈建民、张澄基等。受国民政府明令,颁给辅教广觉禅师,贡噶呼图克图银印金册。(资料:贡噶喜金刚全球信息網)
    The ninth Gangkar Rinpoche was very well known and commanded great respect in China, and had many disciples all over the country, for example venerable Gangkar senior, Chen Jiang Ming, Zhang Cheng Ji etc. He was awarded a gold-plated book with silver marks of "Gangkar Huluketu, The Zen Master" by then Kuo Ming government. (source from Gangkar Dharma Web Center)

    ○【影片的内容】(Contents of DVD)影片中,介绍波贡噶法脉的简介传、贡噶佛學院、新贡噶寺的大殿、第九世仁波切肉身、寺中的饮食及环境The DVD introduces the Lineage of Bo Gangkar, Buddhist Institute of Gangkar, main hall of the new Gangkar temple, the well-preserved body of the ninth Gangkar Rinpoche, the daily life and environment around the temple.

    上师的心愿(Sincere Wishes and the Great Vows of Rinpoche)
    Gangkar Rinpoche hopes that all disciples would support the project of Buddhist Institute, which could house many monks and help the propagation of dharma. In Vajrayana Buddhism, to fulfill wishes of master is a great virtue. Students of Samya Buddhist Association are helping to make connection with those who are interested in the project, and wishes everyone would fulfill the wishes of individuals, sentient beings and our master. Let's follow our master, be blessed by him, and work hard to overcome both inner and external obstacles for the benefits of countless sentient beings.


    Speaker: Venerable Shinhong
    Duration: 1 hour and 19 minutes
    Production: Samya Buddhist Association in Taipei

    第一部份:<波、贡噶法脉(the Lineage of Bo Gangkar )的简介>
    第二部份:<佛學的缘起>:第十世贡噶仁波切( Ven. Tenth Gangkar Rinpoche)主讲,噶玛洛桑堪布(Khenpo Karma Lhubsam )翻译,在台北桑耶精舍宣讲。
    Part one: Introduction to Lineage of Bo Gangkar
    Part two: The origin of Buddhist Institute: by Venerable Tenth Gangkar Rinpoche, translated by Khenpo Karma Lhubsam at Samya Buddhist Association in Taipei
    Part three: Introduction to new Gangkar temple

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