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  • 標題:《妙法蓮華經》講座:第十六章「如來壽量品」<佛教教義與朝聖的結合>, 已上傳 YouTube!
  • 公告日期:2017-12-19
  • 釋迦牟尼佛

    蓮友可以點選 https://goo.gl/ncT7KH 至 YouTube 觀看。

    Venerable Shin Hong Shi had delivered the lecture on the Lotus Sutra : The 16th Chapter "The Life Span of the Tathagata" (The Combination of Buddhist Doctrine, Pilgrimage and Art) in Oct. of 2011 at the Metta Welfare Association, Singapore.
    Please click here https://goo.gl/ncT7KH to watch on YouTube.

    ◎ 演講內容之主要重點 (The Concise Summary of the Lecture Contents) :

    一、 菩提迦耶朝聖短片
    二、 靈鷲山朝聖簡介
    三、 佛陀的八相成道,與無量壽的特殊功德
    四、 佛陀的入滅,與如何選擇、與依止正確的善知識
    五、 舍利塔的功德與修持
    六、 定中見佛的主題

    1. A short film of Buddhist pilgrimage at the Bodhigaya in the Eastern India
    2. Brief introduction of Buddhist pilgrimage at the Holy Rjahara Place
    3. "Eight Manifested Forms of the Complete Enlightenment" from all Buddhas and their special merits of "the Stage of Life Span"
    4. The idea related to Buddha's Parinivarna (which means "pass away naturally") and the issue of how to choose and rely on the correct spiritual teachers
    5. Merits of building Buddhist Stupas and their practices
    6. The subject of seeing all Buddhas through the meditation

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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2017-12-19 AM 11:29

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