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  • 標題:菩薩道中、甚深見與廣大行的結合:龍樹菩薩的《菩提資糧論》內容已上傳 YouTube!The Combination of Profound View and the Vast Action through the Bodhisattva Path : Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s Commentary on “The Increasing Merits of the Enlightened Practices.” is on YouTube!
  • 公告日期:2017-02-03
  • 印度、鹿野苑、達美克大塔

    2007年至2011年,心宏法師於新加坡、海印古寺講授龍樹菩薩的《菩提資糧論》,內容已上傳 YouTube!蓮友可以點選 https://goo.gl/CXFDkL 觀看。

    From 2007 to 2011, the dharma teaching of 《Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s Commentary on “The Increasing Merits of the Enlightened Practices.”》given by Master Shinhong at Hai Inn Temple in Singapore
    , is on YouTube now.
    Please clicke here https://goo.gl/CXFDkL to watch on YouTube.

    ◎ 演講內容之主要重點 (The Concise Summary of the Lecture Contents) :

    一、一切修行的根本:「心」是三傳 (南傳、北傳、藏傳)教法實踐的下手處。

    1. The root of all practices: “Mindfulness” is the root of all practices (Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayann Buddhism).
    2. Complete practices for yourself and others: The practices for yourself and others are according to two universal vows, “to eradicate countless earthly desires” and “to master immeasurable Buddhist teachings”. We diligently practice it not only in this life but also in future life.
    3. The significance of the stages of enlightenment: “Six Perfections (Prajna-paramita)” and “Ten Stages (Dasa-bhumi)” are the key issues in Mahayana Buddhism.
    4. Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s history and writings
    5. The Seven foundational conditions of generating Bodhicitta and engaging into the Six Perfections as well as the countless actions.

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    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2017-02-03 PM 2:05

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