

心宏法師 Master ShingHong

標題2013年桑耶精舍月曆心宏法師法語 (2013 Calendar Dharma Words with Ven. Shinhong Shih)




Paying more attention to everything,

Being more sensitive towards things in the positive way,

Showing your more patience for other people.

2012-12.【轉變自心】Transformation of Your Internal Thoughts

2013-01.【了解自心的各種方法】Various Approaches to Understand Your Own Minds

2013-02.【照顧我們千變萬化的心念】Seriously Taking Care about Our Very Changeable Thoughts

2013-03.【如何讓心升起清淨的力量】How to Promote the Pure Power of the Mindfulness

2013-04.【學習佛法的目的】Purpose of Learning the Buddhist Doctrine

2013-05.【慈悲與智慧的結合】Combination of the Universal Compassion and the Ultimate Wisdom

2013-06.【從鼓勵自己、到鼓勵他人】Encouragement for both Yourself and Others

2013-07.【真正清淨的修持功德】Real and Pure Virtues of Practices

2013-08.【改變自己無始的習氣】Have to change Your Long-Terms Behaviour

2013-09.【受苦的正面意義】Positive Meaning of Accepting the Sufferings

2013-10.【以真誠與自然的心、與老師互動】Communication with Your Spiritual Teacher by the Sincere and Natural Minds

2013-11.【每日修行上的魔障】Obstacle and Difficulty for Your Daily Practice

2013-12.【修學菩薩道的四個基本要素】Four Foundational Conditions for Walking on the Bodhisattva Path

附件檔案 2013_SBA Calendar_Dharma Words Adobe PDF
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