

教學課程 Courses


  • 標題:「大乘禪觀的核心」:轉念(The Central Point of Mahayana Meditation: Transference of the Mindfulness)心宏法師開示 (11/June/2009)
  • 公告日期:2009-08-04
  • 看到念頭,但禪觀力量不夠.(台北、山野瀑布)

    【一、禪修具體功能,轉念頭】(Practical function of meditation: the transformation of your own mind)
    ○首先,先講外面的外境(external objects);其次,講內心(internal thoughts)。請注意聽:第一個、你要先練習,在靜中的時候、能夠轉你的念頭。第二個、在動當中,要能夠轉你的念頭。第三個、在動與靜的中間,你也要能轉念頭。第四個、是要在非動與非靜的時候,都能夠轉念頭。第五個、是最為困難的,在一切時還有一切處的時候,你都能夠轉念頭。這裡的一切時,當然就包含有一位同學,剛才講的夢境。第六個、是在夢中,因為夢,它是單獨一個。在夢境裡要能轉念頭。第七個、你在生死交關的時候,你就可以轉你的念頭。這是我要講的,那你說:「師父,你這些要點是根據那些資料,是從哪裡來的?」。是從我讀很多很多經論,我自己所歸納的。

    【二、緣外境,轉念的訓練】(Perceiving the external objects: this is the training on the transformation of your internal mind)
    <一、       靜中>:(Training on the un-moveable situation)
    <二、動中>:(Training on the moveable situation)
    <三、動與靜之間>:(Training on the situation between the moveable and unmoved moments)
    <四、非靜非動>:(Training on the situation between the non-moveable and non-moved moments)
    <五、一切時一切處>:(Training on the situation anytime and anywhere)
    <六、夢境>:(Training on the situation through the daily dreams)
    <七、小結>:(The short conclusion)
    【三、緣內心,轉念的提昇】(Perceiving the internal thoughts: this is the update on the transformation of your further mindfulness)
    <一、惡念生起的時候>:(While the bad thoughts are arising)
    <二、善念生起的時>:(While the good thoughts are arising)
    <三、悲傷的念頭>:(While the sad or disappointed thoughts are arising)
    <四、寧靜的念頭>:(While the peaceful thoughts are arising)
    <五、能所、對立的念頭>:(While the dual thoughts within subject and object are arising)
    <六、清淨的念頭>:(While the pure thoughts are arising)
    <七、小結>:(The short conclusion)
    【四、總結】(The final conclusion)

    • 附件檔案: Meditation Mind Adobe PDF
    • 參考連結:
    • 張貼人:sba
    • 最後修改時間:2010-08-06 PM 5:03

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